Come November

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I paced anxiously outside the enterance of the airport. 

"They're late," I muttered to myself. I looked at my phone again. Oli and the guys should have been here fifteen minutes ago. I sighed heavily and leaned against my mustang. I was starting to get anxious. Had something came up? Did something happen on the flight? Did he change his mind?...

I shook my head of the irritating thoughts. I knew Oli would never change his mind about coming to America. I was just hoping I had made the right decision to sell my apartment flat in order to make a down payment on a condo for all of us to live in. We could have made things work in my tiny place, but Oli insisted this was the best decision. He promised to pay me back on the money as well, not that it mattered. I just wanted him here...

"This is ridiculous," I muttered to myself again. I sighed and locked my car. I headed up the white steps of the crowded airport. There were people every where, making my vision of the airport rather difficult. 

I picked my way past the security check stands and the various waitng platforms. I headed over to a desk that seemed like a reasonable place to ask for help. It was a few yards away from a security stand. 

"Hello," I asked the lady sitting behind the desk. She looked up at me and let out a tiny sigh. 

"If you're looking for those British rockstars, they are here. But I will have to ask you to leave because they are being securily escorted out of here," she said. I laughed slightly and smiled. 

"Ma'am, I'm here to pick them up. I'm their ride. In fact, I'm dating one of them," I said. She rolled her eyes. 

"Do you think I haven't heard that story today? Girls just like you have been in here all day long, looking for those guys. I don't even know who they are. All I know is it's my job to tell you all to leave them alone," she siad. I sighed heavily.

"I wish I was joking with you, but I'm not. Look, see? That's me and him together," I said as I pulled out my phone and showed her my background. She looked it over and shrugged. 

"Photoshop," she said. 

"Look, I just need to know where they are. I need to pick them up," I said. The lady said nothing more. I sighed and quietly thanked her, heading towards the middle of the airport. She didn't try and stop me. 

There was a large group of teens headed in the same direction as i was. My hopes perked up. Maybe they would lead me there and I could take my boyfriend home with me...

I silently followed the crowd. They were definatly here for BMTH. They chattered excitedly about cathcing a glimpse of the love of my life. I smirked slightly. 

"If only they knew," I mumbled to myself. 

The crowd stopped moving, being blocked by large men in white secruity guard suits. I weaved in and out of the crowd, ignoring the rude protests I was getting. I sucked in a deep breath and stepped forward.

"I'm here to pick up Oliver," I said quietly. The guard only laughed.

"Really? Do you really think I'm going to believe that?" he said. I frowned slightly.

"You should," a voice said from behind us. The guard turned around. Matty was standing directly behind him, big goofy grin plastered on his face. The crowd chattered and some let out tiny screams. I stood there with my mouth open.

"Well are you going to come say hello, or are you just going to stand there like the fan girls behind you," he said. I smiled and jumped past the guard, who didn't even bother stopping me. Matty caugt me and swung me around, hugging me tightly. 

"Matty! I missed you so much!" I squealed. He laughed and squeezed me tighter. 

"You have no idea, love," he said. He finally set me down and clutched my hand in his. 

"Come on, Oli and the guys are waiting. I was getting ready to call you," he said. I smiled. 

"How am I supposed to get you out of here. I could barely find you guys, let alone get to you without dying," I said. 

"Don't worry. Those guys out there will take care of the crowd," he said. There was a private waiting platform a few yards ahead of us. I held my breath as we got closer. 

"Ready?" he said. I nodded.

Matt was sitting on the couch with Lee and a very tall, very out of place man. Oli was no where to be seen. As soon as the guys saw me, they jumped up.

"Brodie!" Matt shouted, ripping me from Matty's grasp and pulling me into a huge hug. I could barely catch my breath as Lee pulled me into a hug just as tight.

"Brodie, we missed you so much!" he said. I laughed and struggled to get away from their grasps. 

"I missed you too!" I said. I looked behind them at the other guy. He flashed his blue eyes at me and gave me a small smile. 

"You must be Brodie," he said. I smiled back at him. 

"And you must be Jordan," I said. He stepped forward to shake my hand. He was much taller than Oli, even taller than Matt. He made Lee and I look like midgets. 

"I've heard a great deal about you," he said. 

"Well I hope they are good things," I said. He nodded. 

"Very good indeed," he said. 

"Hey Brodie," a soft voice behind me said. My heart fluttered and began to beat faster. I slowly turned around. Standing behind me, looking thinner than the last time I saw him, but still so breath takingly good looking was Oli. He was wearing that blue stripped sweater he loved so much, black jeans, and his Vans. 

"Oli," I breathed. I stepped forward. He looked down at me and smiled slightly. His eyes were sunk back slightly, and he looked tired. I frowed . "What's wrong?" I asked. He said nothing. Instead, he pulled me close to his body. I instantly melted into his arms, tears spilling down my face. 

"Nothing in the world is wrong anymore, becase I have you back where you belong," he whispered. 

Her Sempiternal (Sequel to Oliver's Smile)Where stories live. Discover now