1. Wifi

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You had been living in Seoul for two years now. And within this time, you had already completely gotten used to the culture and you would even call yourself Korean. Of course, you could never be Korean, you were 100% not. But it was fun to pretend.
The flat you lived in wasn't big, nor small. It was perfect for one person. And you loved your life. You worked as a English teacher in an elementary school, you had great students. Some were bad and occasionally you had parent trouble, but nothing that couldn't be solved.
It was a Saturday when you first noticed this happen. Your neighbours weren't the best, but they weren't the worst. Aside from the loud drunk yelling at night, they were pretty decent. You were reading a book when you remembered you were supposed to email your parents. You got up from the couch and grabbed your laptop. The internet provider you were using was one of the best since the school you worked for provided it. And you could exactly see if someone was hooking onto your wifi. Usually, when you were home, it was only you using it. But today, it wasn't only you.
"What the-" you furrowed your brows and tried tracking the person who was using your wifi. Wifi that you paid with your salary.
The device was a laptop as well. The username was just the name of the laptop, and that was of no help.
You decided to leave it be. After all, maybe it was someone just needing it right now.
On Sundays you would usually go for a run through the park near your building or walks, depending on how crowded it was. If there were people, you sure as hell weren't about to run. Too embarrassing, even with 2 years of living in Korea, you were still a foreigner. The waiters in restaurants would give you English menu's, even though you knew Korean.
As you came home from your walk, you noticed something different across the hall. It seemed that your neighbours moved, since the name was changed. And besides that, you didn't hear the kids. You thought they just went on a vacation, but it seemed that they went on a permanent vacation from the building. You couldn't blame them. The building wasn't really fit for families. You were very sweaty from your morning run so you decided to shower and look presentable before you wished your new neighbours a welcome. As you dried your hair and got dressed in comfy house wear, you noticed the same little symbol on your laptop.
"I'll think of it later" you muttered and glanced at yourself in the mirror one more time "I look pretty decent"
You knocked on the door three times. And you didn't get any answer. You had a feeling someone was there, they were just ignoring you. You knocked again.
"It's the neighbour from flat 43 C"
You stood there for a few more seconds before turning on your heel and giving up. And once again, as you went online, you saw her, or him, using your wifi. You took a deep breath and just ignored it again.
The day you bought your flat was one of the most important days in your life. Before that, you only rented. Before that, your parents just thought this was a faze. Truthfully, even you yourself weren't exactly sure if this was a faze or not. But one day, as you were walking by the river, it hit you. You couldn't leave. This was where you belonged. And that was when you started saving all the money you could. When the flat was finally on your name, your parents knew you weren't coming back. And it was hard. But it was also a new chapter of your life. A chapter that you had to start at one point or another. And there wasn't a day that you regretted getting that flat.
It was a long day and your hair was falling apart from its bun, your hands were red from the grocery bags you were tugging along. You practically passed out on your couch. After you managed too move, you wanted to watch a kdrama on your laptop.
But you couldn't.
Because there it was.
You cursed loudly and sat up straight, and tried using the hack the other professors showed you in the school that allowed you to see who was using your connection. It worked on the school grounds but you weren't sure if it would work here.
It didn't.
But you didn't give up.
"Hi Miso-unnie?"
You explained your problem to your closest co-worker, you even called her unnie. More to her wish than your own. When you first started working she immediately befriended you. She gave you a code you could use, and in no time, you finally found where this thief was hiding.
It didn't matter that you looked like a tired homeless person. This person didn't deserve to see you in your best after having such nerve.
You stomped over to the flat door across the hall and this time banged on the door. Again, no answer.
You knew the doorbell of this flat didn't work from the previous owners so you had to either knock or bang the door like you were doing now, using both hands.
As you saw the door begin to open you didn't hesitate one bit.
"I don't know where you came from but where I come from it's a crime to parasite off someone, especially if that someone is a school teacher and I can report you for this and-"
You practically yelled, not even looking at the person. But as you looked up, your rambling stopped. You were staring at a boy, older than yourself maybe a few years. His hair styled the same way idols wore it. If he didn't live in your building you would've sworn he was one. He wore a loose white shirt and some jeans but it was as if he was wearing high end clothes because he looked incredible. He was looking at you, his brows quirked up a bit, his arms crossed, a small smirk adorning his lips which annoyed you for some reason.
"And?" he said. His voice was raspy and deep and completely caught you off guard.
"I-I just" you stuttered, and finally looked away, since you were staring at him for a long enough time that you might've even started drooling. "You have been using my wifi"
"I was wondering when you would notice"
"What" this brought you back to reality. No matter how good looking he was, he didn't have the right to fucking steal from you. "You've been doing it on purpose?!"
"Now look" he uncrossed his arms "The only reason I'm using your wifi is because you aren't locking it"
"I can't! Its from the school's I work in, and-"
"Oh you work in a school?" he asked "Hmm you do have a soft face for a teacher"
Really now.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes "You can sweet talk me all you want. But stay away from my wifi!"
With that, you turned around and went back to your apartment, slamming your door shut.
The next day the first thing you did was talk to your boss about locking the wifi. And you arranged for it to be locked; only when you got to your house though, it was still open in the school. You were especially happy on your way home that day. Now that hot neighbour couldn't latch onto your wifi. And you could stop worrying about the bill. As you got to your flat, you immediately checked your laptop.
"Yes!" you yelled in victory and then you could finally relax. You blasted your music through the flat and got into some comfy clothes. You sang along to the song and swayed a bit to the beat, making yourself some noodles.
Just as you got comfy, and went to your kdrama site, it popped up again. You practically spat out your noodles, and stared at the little notification. You opened it and saw the name of your wifi connection was changed from the school to, get-a-better-password-sweetie.
You didn't even know what password they were using but after staring at the new name for a few minutes, you started laughing.
You shook your head and after you finished your food and kdrama episode, you got up, taking your shoes and opening the door of your flat, and as you did that you gasped.
You stared at each other for a few moments. He coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Here" he handed you a small envelope "This should be enough for the three days of me stealing your wifi"
Your eyes widened at this turn of events and you pushed it back to him.
"No I don't want your money" you shook your head
"Take it"
"Yah! I wont take it!" you were aware you just disrespected him and you felt your cheeks grow hot "I apologize, for that"
"No its fine" he laughed a little "I should be the one apologizing"
You leaned against your door frame and tried your best not to smile, but your lips curved themselves.
"I have to ask..Why my wifi? Why not your own, or someone else's?"
"Ah. Well the company still hasn't been to my place yet, and your connection is the best"
"But why did you hack me?" you raised your brows
"It was fun..." he shrugged a bit "Plus I was hoping you would come by my place, all angry again"
You started laughing and he quickly joined in.
"I don't even know your name, hacker"
"Oh I know your name" he said smugly
"How do you know my name?"
"Well, I asked around a bit. That was your password by the way, you really should change it"
"Yah I told them to put something complex" you sighed
"Are you sure you won't take the money?"
You nodded.
"Could I at least do something nice for you?"
"I don't know" you imitated his shrug
"We can use this money" he waved the envelope with a smile "I know a great coffee place"
"Coffee place it is"
He continued staring at you and you then realized.
"You don't think I'm gonna go out in house clothes do you?" you rolled your eyes and started closing the door "See you in ten minutes"
And you did see him in ten minutes. And that coffee trip was your first date. The next one was when you were at his place, using his wifi.

Wifi | Min Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now