14. You look fresh, like a salad

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*at one point sweg boi will make this face ^^^

You were sitting on the bed, eating your box of noodles and watching his steady hand move. He would occasionally click his tongue in frustration, ruffle his hair and then continue writing. The lights were dim, Yoongi preferred it that way. Slow wave like beats echoed around the room, creating the atmosphere he liked. Everything was to his fit, and you would be lying if it didn't fit you too. You closed your eyes for a while, letting the music wash over you. You had no idea where he got this catchy layered music, but it really was something new to you. It had no lyrics, just stylish and slightly synthetic beats. The lush sound was so addictive that your foot tapped to it unconsciously. As you finished your noodles you left the box on his nightstand, moving up on his bed to lean against his pillows.

"Does this look good?" Yoongi suddenly turned in his spinning chair, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. He handed you his notebook and your lips formed a straight line in concentration.

Girl where are you from?

What a mystery, where are you heading?

He was watching you intently, grabbing your legs and putting them on his lap so he could scoot over closer to you. You bit the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from smiling.

How old are you? Are you older then me?

You aren't? Then I'm your oppa

You started giggling but once you saw his face of slight disappointment you stopped.

"Sorry" you said with a small smile "It's great as usual, just, you're way too into "oppa" Yoongi"

"Yah just continue" his hand slapped your thigh impatiently


Your face is so small and pretty

"Sweg boi my face isn't small" you looked up from his notebook "I never even understood what a small face meant"

His hands cupped your face and he gave you one of his gummy smiles.

"Your face is perfect sized, not all my songs are specifically about you"

"Am I not inspiring enough?" you teased

"Just read the fucking thing Y/N" he rolled his eyes and you laughed again

You look fresh, like a salad, so smooth

You lost it here. You literally lost it. Your laughter was louder than the music and he just grabbed the notebook from you forcefully. You snorted a little whilst laughing so much, your eyes crinkling and your cheeks starting to hurt.

"A salad!" you spoke through your laughter, wheezing for air "Really Yoongi"

He got up and started walking out of the bedroom and you panted for air from your laughter.

"Wait wait!" you called out and jumped up from his bed, trailing after him. You grabbed his shoulders from behind and tried turning him around. He wouldn't move. So you circled around him but now he turned around.

"I'm sorry" you said with slight regret as you hugged him from behind "I shouldn't have laughed. It's great stuff. A bit strange, but still great"

He didn't say anything so you hugged him tighter, propping your chin on his shoulder.

"It really is good. I bet with a beat it will be even better" you continued, sounding more serious this time "It doesn't matter that it sounds silly, you still managed to make it fit"

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