27. So Shiny

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Yoongi was okay. You were okay. Things were okay. He went to the funeral alone. You spent that morning running laps in the park. You even went to a completely new park, a park you didn't really run in since there was always people and kids. But it didn't matter, you wanted a new environment for your run. A ball flew in front of your running path and you stopped to pick it up. You looked around to see to which little rascal it belonged too. The little girl ran over to you, completely forgetting about her ball.

"Hi Yein" you smiled and knelt down to hug her 

"You're here! What are you doing here!"

"I'm running a little-"

"Yein! Yein-" the female voice stopped shouting when she saw you two "Oh my god! Y/N!"

"Hi Hyolin"

"Well hi stranger!" she was even more aggressive with the hug then her hyper daughter. That's where Yein got it from "Still running in the mornings! God if I could go back to being twenty"

"Oh like you're an old lady" you laughed and Yein pulled on your hand 

"Sit down and talk to mommy, she talks about you all the time, talk about her a little!"

"Does she now?"

"My own daughter rats on me" Hyolin whined and you laughed

"I'd happily sit down and talk about your mommy Yein"

You were seated on a bench, watching Yein play with another girl she met a few minutes ago. Hyolin kept smiling so widely.

"I'm so happy I bumped into you. You never called!"

"I know, Hyunwoo gave me your number I just didn't have the time-"

"Time shmime, you felt awkward about it"

"I mean a little"

Hyolin laughed and looked back at you.

"Hey at the end of the day, you and me both are outsiders in that family. So, what's stopping us from being friends?"

"I don't know Hyo it's a little odd and just-"

"Hang out with me tonight, I'm working, but I only get free nights when I'm working"

"I need to see if I can and how would that even-"

"I'll pick you up, get you a pass, you'll wait a little, and then we can hang around backstage"

"Is that even allowed?"

"For me it is"

"So what, just barge in backstage with you, with all those idols and stuff?"


"Oh my God Miso would kill me"

"I need to get the boss warmed up but you can bring her once too if you want"


"Yeah of course" 

"Hyolin I haven't seen you in forever and I-"

"Y/N whatever you're about to say is irrelevant. I miss you, and I want us to hang out together tonight. Plus who wouldn't want to meet idols?"

"I mean that's kinda true" you smiled and she nudged your shoulder

"I knew that'd bait you"

"Who is it?"

"It's Shinee, you know they had their comeback"

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