7. Distractions

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"Yoongi-yah!" you shouted in the hall, knocking on his door a bit more loudly this time.

There were 0 responses. You wanted to invite him for breakfast; it became your habit to make sure that lazy man ate. You turned around and walked over to your apartement, huffing as you sat on your couch.

Oh wait.

You remembered that you had his number. You swiftly grabbed your phone.

You: yo sweg boi where u @

He didn't even read it. You groaned and grabbed your food, starting to eat and looking outside your window. The view was to the neighbour building, nothing special. Yoongi's apartment had a beautiful view of the city. You were there only that one time, but you really wanted to come by again. His apartment was very much like him. Mysterious, beautiful, and in spite of its dark furniture, very welcoming.

You heard a buzz and checked your phone.

Yah: work sweetie

You: oh

You: did you have breakfast

Yah: did you have breakfast

You rolled your eyes and noticed the nice weather outside. You looked at your phone and smiled widely.

The wind blew slightly, ruffling your hair only a little just before you opened the door. You hurried to step behind the person in line, and as the tall man left, you moved to the counter.

"Hello, what can I get for you-" he spoke grumpily and the moment he looked up to see you, his tone changed "Well hello sweetie"

"Hi sweg boi" you smiled nicely and leaned against the counter "You look adorable in your little uniform"

"I'm manly and sweg, I'm not adorable" he frowned a bit, but this just made him seem even cuter.

"Yaaah cute!"

"Shut up" he muttered "What are you doing here?"

"I came to surprise you" you smiled proudly "Don't you like surprises"

"I do" Yoongi nodded and looked around "Listen, my boss is a bitch, so I can't really be-"

"Oh get me my usual"

Yoongi turned around and started his little routine. You noticed that he wasn't wearing ripped jeans. This was something very rare.

"I'm guessing the uniform can't be fully sweg"

"Hmm?" he hummed, adding some sugar to your coffee

"No ripped jeans"

"Oh yes" he handed you your cup "You know the price"

"I would tip you"

"Oh please do"

"I wasn't happy with my service"

"You're so-" he groaned

"What sweg boi" you gave him the money, without tipping him

"You're gonna get spit in the next cup"

"Same goes for your next meal at my place" you winked and walked over to a table nearby to sit down. You would've loved to stay but you heard people behind you in line so the best thing to do was sit down by a table. When he was done serving all the customers and was once again alone at the counter, you stared at him and sipped your coffee.

"What?" he noticed you and spoke silently. You shook your head and continued to drink your coffee. Your phone buzzed and you looked over to Yoongi who had his phone in his hands.

Yah: you know you're a distraction

You: I didn't know that

Yah: I shouldn't be staring at my customers let alone be texting at work

You: ooo when u call me a customer it sounds kinky

You: also no one is forcing u to stare

You couldn't contain your laughter and you looked up to see Yoongi shaking his head with a smile.

Yah: ur my customer then

Yah: a very beautiful customer

You didn't know how to react because this was lots of things to process at once. This was probably the first time he's called you beautiful. And since he was right there, you knew that your *oh my god the hot neighbor who is and isn't my bf thinks I'm beautiful* couldn't be let out. You also knew your cheeks were tomato red at this point. But you played it cool. Or at least tried.

You: well omay

You: *omay

You now heard laughter and groaned, not wanting to see his smut little face.

Yah: omay sweetie

You: ***OKAY

Yah: omay sounds better

Yah: are u omay

Yah: ur blushing so much sweetie r u omay

Yah: ah so cute

You: I hate u

Yah: nah

Yah: I think you love me 

You: tend to your customers sweg boi

"Oh shit" you heard him mutter as he noticed there was a woman waiting to be served. You heard he gave her a small discount and that's when you felt a bit bad. When she walked away, you walked back to him.

"I'm sorry" you said, looking down "I don't want you to risk losing your job or anything so, I guess I'll see you later"

He sighed a bit but nodded.

"Thanks for dropping by sweetie"

"No problem sweg boi" you started walking backwards to the door "you make the best coffee after all"

"I know" he waved with a small smile and you turned around to open the door. You didn't even get to your building when you got the text.

Yah: btw u look great in that white shirt and jeans


Ah it wrote itself, sorry if it's a bit short, hopefully you liked it, oh and omay is a tru story never forget 2k16 doyoudome

oh and the pic is what i imagine the cafe to look like idk i see yoongi working there somehow :')

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