45. Hectic

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Sunday was recovery day. It felt especially slow. Yoongi claimed his bed as your own. He was sleeping soundly, at about 1PM when you decided it would be good to visit Miso. You hadn't heard from her, no reply to texts or calls. You wanted to talk about the Namjoon situation. Well, you wanted to see your best friend as well. 

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it grumps?"

He was hidden underneath your sheets. You weren't really sure was it exhaustion or just him being bed infatuated. He had no intent on leaving. 

"Go over to my place. Get me my notebook"

"The precious notebook" you finished up getting dressed. You'd have to tidy up your bedroom. And do the grocery shopping. And tend to bills. Well. Perhaps this could all wait for Monday. You really needed a free weekend. 

"And laptop too actually!"

"And laptop too" you repeated "Anything else?"

He groaned nu uh childishly and you asked him where his keys were. He typically, had no idea. Gramps couldn't answer much after that. He had totally caved into his sleep. Of course, his jeans were thrown at the corner of the room. His shirt as well. 

Not that you minded. 

At least his phone was promptly sat on your nightstand now. You tried there for the keys, but no luck. He had nothing in his jean wallets. It would take a few minutes to remember, he had left his jacket in your living room. That's where you found the keys. 

His apartment needed serious air. It was lifeless for two days, if not more now. The dust had piled up and the air faded down. Did this man, ever, take care of his living space? You dared not go to the bathroom. 

Having little time, you really did just grab his laptop and notebook, taking them back to your own place. He was sound asleep, so you just placed them on the nightstand. He knew what to do. 

On your bus ride to Miso's, you felt a bit guilty for not washing your hair. It was getting to a critical state. But being a teacher with a boyfriend like Yoongi made it a bit less important. But lord knew people judged. But, lord also knew you didn't care that much. There was just a small amount of people on the bus anyways. 

Getting off the bus, you got to Miso's building. You liked her neighborhood. It was definitely nicer than your own. It was very lively, and very colorful. The building's were new, unlike your apartment complex, that was quite old. They all had beautiful views, unlike your own, that only had a good view on the one side of the building. Yoongi's side. Then again, he himself was a full view. 

You waited for the elevator to reach Miso's floor. She was home, hopefully? She rarely wasn't. Only at night time, in her nightlife. It was almost 2PM. She had to be home. 

Ringing once, you leaned back onto the heels of your feet. There was no reaction. Ringing again, you waited. You counted till ten, to ring again, and that's when you were greeted by a shirtless man at the door frame. Man who wasn't Namjoon. 

"Ah sorry sorry!" you half shouted, turning around on your heels. He was only wearing underwear.There was a commotion behind you, but you dared not to look. That's when Miso's laughter made you turn back around.

"What's up?"

You stared hard, watching the guy beyond Miso's small frame hop into his jeans and wiggle around her apartment in search of his clothing. The look you were giving her was one demanding telepathy. 

What! The! Fuck!

She just shrugged and stared back at you with a small smile.

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