52. This

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"Very nice indeed"

You absentmindedly nodded your head at Alice. Here you were, confined inside the cream colored walls of Mr. Shon's apartment, forced to make civilized conversation with people you could barely stand. Alice being no less a pain in the ass. 

You met Alice when you first moved in, in the same spacious apartment at the same building meeting that Mr. Shon held even back then. You never asked but, you suspected that Mr. Shon was the manager of the building since forever - he was definitely old enough to fit the part. 

It was slightly insulting to have you paired with Alice solely because she too was foreign. As if you were a pair of kids at a playground. Go befriend your own kind, you'll get along great!

You sure proved them wrong by showing the same disinterest with her as you did with all of them. Not that you were keen on being mean, absolutely not. It was just that those building meetings seemed so much like - highschool. 

The people that willingly came to those meetings had the characteristics of every popular kid you knew growing up. It was like being at a reunion among jocks and cheerleaders, except the food was better and the place was prettier. 

Mr. Shon was rich. You didn't even know the building had such large apartments. You always wondered, was his living room bigger than your whole flat, or perhaps the same size. You were betting on the former. He had paintings on the walls and vases filled with fresh flowers and everything was scarily neat. There was no way he didn't keep a maid. Either he had help cleaning, or he was a legitimate psycho. 

You weren't sure what to bet on. 

"Where's your boyfriend?"

Your eyes widened. Did Alice Phillips seriously know about Yoongi? How the hell did she find out? Her ocean blue eyes crinkled as she smiled at you, toothy and overly happy. She had that creepy smile that was robotic and anything but real. 

"He doesn't live in the building anymore. How do you know about him anyways?"

"Oh no one can move into the building without meeting Mr. Shon silly, and I was with him that day"

If there were a prom king and queen, they were Mr. Shon and Alice. Aside from the fact he could totally be her grandfather, they were a perfect pair. Both freakishly ambitious on running the building and weirdly neat and punctual and just...too perfect. The type of perfect that made you certain they had literal skeletons in the closet. Perhaps the skeletons were former tenants and flat owners, ones they didn't like. Perhaps you should've gone to more of those meetings because with the way Alice was staring at you, you could've sworn she was going to kill you there and then. 

"I don't know why that's so weird"

"No, it's not" you urged "I get it"

Yoongi just never told you about that, not that he had too. It felt weird though, since it wasn't something that was a part of his old life, it was a part of his life with you. Had you known, you would've gossiped about the washed up highschool lowlifes with him a long time ago.

"As I was saying, we plan to redo the mailboxes, which of course is a joint investment, and I've already complied a sheet list of expenses ranging from which model we pick to which installment company we choose to do it for us. You'll find, as do I, that the Rein 34W is the best model"

Sometimes you wondered if Mr. Shon did anything other than rule over the building. The answer seemed negative.

Alice handed you the paper, as she did to the rest of the tenants that showed up. Everyone but you seemed thrilled with this idea, probably because this absurd white colored mailbox cost 520$. 

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