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ok yall first off HAPPY BTS DAY OKAY

its been three years with these losers and jk jk jk i love em with all my existence and like God Bless them. i've been playing their songs on my guitar and singing in tears all day cos im just so proud my guitar is all wet. anyways, i gotta say happy birthday to my bois. I've been an Army for less than a year tbh but that is only cos i avoided them passionately. like when i came back to the kpop world last year at about this time, i heard of this BTS group and i heard they had hot bois and slay music. then i kinda just knew i would be hooked if i gave them some attention. but i ended up watching bangtan bombs wITCH LIKE IF YOU DONT WANT TO BECOME COMPLETELY INFATUATED PLS AVOID IT. STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE BANGTAN BOMBS THEY WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE. ok other then that i kinda just watched some MV's, appreciated the hotness but like 

Min Yoongi

you need to understand this was the time i didnt even know their names nor did i really care. i was hella casual about them. But this "Suga". His name i learned because his voice just blew me away and rapping and i just was highly intimidated by him. Literally every time he showed up on my screen i would be like

"hm....hello....Suga....nice to see you're a very intimidating man...please stop looking at me..."

and then i started my Bangtan slut experience in which i bounced around, stanning each boi EXCEPT Yoongi. I was do i explain....i felt shivers from looking at him tbh. and whilst stanning various bois at different times, he was always at the back of my mind. i was always sneaking a glance at him, lowkey trying to figure him out and stuff. and then at one point i did. i found out more and more about him such as his amazing lyric skills, producer skills, and i started falling for him in a way i'd not felt about the other BTS members. Me being someone who lives for writing, whether its a story, song, lyrics, i just couldnt help but like Yoongi on a different level. Oh God i wished, still do, to be his student, to have him as a mentor. But yes, theres a lil more to my story with Yoongi in which i act as if this is hella important or something when in reality i'll probably never meet the man 


#props to international army like its so fucking hard for us and it really hurts sometimes, but we'll always have each other guys ♥


i swear to God i have a ghost in my house its not even a fucking joke im so fucking done with this shit bultaorune in my house i want to set my flat on fire and just leave cos i m fucking done. its some random ass girl who just follows me around. okay i have not seen her fully, but i was seen her figure, like i swear to god im not even joking. this started a few months back, now im not one to believe in the demon angel crap but shit i guess sometimes its kinda real. i felt a presence. i know how silly it sounds but seriously its just a sudden presence. i told everyone i know about this and they all say "oh its wind" no its not fucking wind im not an uneducated swine i fucking know what wind is how the fuck is it wind if my window is closed okay. anyways this bitch is haunting me right, and so one day, i see something move, like a mass of a girl with red hair, she got some hella nice red hair right. and i went

"look girl im gonna play some kpop if you like the kpop make a sound ok"

i played some bts idek nothing came, then i was like 

"oh u aint real bitch ha im just crazy"

and then i fucking heard a fucking noise. I WAS HOME ALONE. and also the fact no window was open or any shit like that. the noise was like a loud pop in the room. then i was like

"oki shit ur real" 

then i played Drip Drop and when i stopped the song there was the sound again. So she liked Drip Drop. since then i've kinda already been used to her like i told her that if she wants to kill me she should get it fuckng over with and stop fucking around and she did nothing so im guessing she's here for some reason idek why. i saw her a few minuts ago just strayin around my room. also she makes the lights in my room flash a lot. oh and i heard this kinda like whining one night when i felt her presence and then i saw the shadows move and well it was her, idk man i think she's sad or some shit so she wants me to keep her happy wiht kpop at one point i was like

"snuggle in the bed with me u bitch ass ghost and stop trying to fucking scare me u just seem sad sweetheart"

and i kinda felt like a windy caress on my face at that point. yall i dont fucking know but i had to say this im sorry for trolling u u probs were all excited and shit and all u got was me ranting but yeah i might be going insane so like pls get me some help or im just experiencing some weird demon shit and she likes kpop and idk 

also honestly clap for me guys if u looked at my laptop all u would see are smut stories dozens of smut this is literally my first real fluffy story im like so proud of myself and again sorry for this idek what this is ok have a nice day happy festa 

oh that Yoongi gif is there to remind you how hot he is 

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