29. Support

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"You need to sleep more, I've noticed you sleeping less"

"It doesn't matter" he shook his head, deeply focused on his work

"Yes it does matter, you work at day and practice at night, I thought you loved sleep"

"I do, but I can't afford it" 

"What are you-"

"Can you just fucking leave me alone?" he sat up straight and shot you a glare. You blinked and swallowed thickly before getting up from his bed.

"I didn't mean it like that-Y/N, I didn't-" he did come after you, grabbing your wrist swiftly 

"I know what you meant" you stared at him coldly "I'll give you what you want"

"Don't fucking act like this, don't start a fight out of nothing"

"I won't. I'll leave you alone and you call me when you're done"

"I didn't mean you had to leave my place"

"I know what you meant" you repeated yourself and tugged your wrist out of his reach. He didn't come after you when you left. You leaned onto your apartment door, sighing deeply. 

He came after you this time, but what if next time he wouldn't? Yoongi loved you, it was obvious, but he loved music. He loved music with an undying passion. And you feared he loved it more than you. You feared that his passion for music would start getting in the way of your relationship, you feared he would get bored of you-

What am I saying...No matter what, he is my boyfriend, my talented boyfriend, and I will support everything he does...no matter what

He called you a few hours later. 

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine" you said softly, pausing your kdrama

"I was impulsive, I just didn't think, it just came out-"

"You don't need to explain yourself Yoongi" 

"I do" he was determined, like always "You were interrupting my work, and I reacted"

"Then I should be saying sorry"

"Come over"

"Yoongi, I'm snuggled in my bed already"

"Then I'll come over"

"How will you get in-"

He had already hung up. 

And within a few minutes, he was ringing your doorbell.

"You really didn't have too-"

He kissed you. He kissed you like that first time. He pulled away slowly, his eyes never leaving yours.

"It's fine" you whispered "Come in"

He sat on your couch and watched you pace around the room.

"Say something" his voice was silent 

"This wasn't a big deal" you started "-But it was"

He groaned, covering his face in frustration and you were quick to explain yourself. 

"You're just really devoted to your music. You're devoted to your work. And-you're bigger than this"

He uncovered his face and looked at you again now. 

"You're bigger than having a part time job. You're bigger than barely making ends meet. You're too talented to be living this life"

"What are you saying?"

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