48. Truths

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You woke up from the morning air chilling over your skin. Getting up hurriedly, you went to close the window, since Yoongi forgot. He was fast asleep, without a care in the world. You'd think the barely dressed male would mind this cold but nope. 

His luggage was packed, finally ready. You checked around his bathroom to see if there were any things he'd left behind. Yoongi was surprisingly neat when wanting to be. Checking the makeshift kitchen/living room, you were now certain he cleared out the whole place. 

This was the last night you spent in his apartment. This was the last night this even was his apartment. In biter-sweet silence, you sat on his couch, staring out the window at the beautiful view you were once unfamiliar too. Since it was early morning, the world was barely awake. You were gazing at a world, unaware of your gaze. 

A small groan from the bedroom made you turn around.

Yoongi was a beautiful view you were once unfamiliar too as well. In fact, had it not been for this apartment, you probably never would've met him. 

The calm was broken by the ring of his phone. 

"Fucks sake" Yoongi groaned, covering himself with the sheets "Answer it Y/N"

You got up and rushed to the bedroom. The number was unrecognized by his phone, so you answered hesitantly. The voice answering back to you sounded like an older man.

"Sorry uh" he seemed caught off guard by your voice "Wrong number"

"No no! This is Min Yoongi's number, you looking for him?"

"Oh" the man didn't hang up after all "Yes, I am. Just tell him, I'll be there soon" 

They felt like a pressure in your chest, those words. It wasn't that serious, but in a pretty morning like that, you didn't need to hear such words.

"Yoongi" you poked his shoulder "Some guy said he's gonna be here soon. You need to get up"

He didn't say anything. He stayed curled in the bed, and you thought for a moment that he went back to sleep. Admittedly, you didn't mind him proving you wrong, and his hand sliding out of the sheet to pull you back under. 

"You have to get ready" you explained while he nudged closer to you in the bed, without a word

"Yoongi, seriously"

He kept his eyes closed, holding you close- avoiding reality. 

"I had a dream, and you were in it"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep" his voice wasn't yet awake, still groggy "It was in a music shop, and you'd stop by every once in a while to visit. You kept teasing me about my bass playing skills"

"Sounds about right" 

"It was pretty cool, I even owned the shop" 

It happened really fast. The guy was apparently Yoongi's friend of a friend, who had a car. He agreed to drive him, and you helped with the luggage, not caring for Yoongi's arguments that you didn't have too. He teased you saying you were too weak to carry it, but you ended up carrying just as much as him.

The car ride to his new place was in...other words, quiet. You didn't want to say awkward, but boy was it...unpleasant. Suddenly, both Yoongi and you were aware of things, of this new situation and these new terms you'd be living with. Neither of you wanted to say anything, neither of you wanted to word their frustrations. 

Probably because you didn't want to speak them into existence. 

A minute ago, you were tucked into his bed, into his chest, listening to the vivid dream experience, and now, you were driving off to a part of the city unfamiliar to you, the streets unwelcoming and the morning dew from his apartment now turned into early stress. 

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