38. No More Coffee?

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A few days of living with Taeha passed rather quickly. 

She wasn't a bother, you felt ashamed for worrying at all. She would always neatly return the things she used, she would always ask politely if she could even use them, I mean the kid even asked was it okay to watch a k-drama with you.

Of course it's okay. 

At first she also seemed distant. Sort of cold. But then she started becoming warmer. 

You noticed that without anything to do, see friends, go to school, study, she actually liked to draw. 

"I haven't drawn anything for real in two years"

"Two years?"

You looked down at her who was sitting on the floor, drawing something that you couldn't figure out just yet. 

"I used to paint too. But my dad threw away my easel and supplies. They said it was distracting me from my studies. Than one day, my mom saw me drawing instead of studying. She ripped the paper right out of my hands. Called me an idiot for thinking I had talent. I sort of just gave up after that"

You were left speechless. Goddamit Taeha always had a new heart-breaking story. 

"Well, draw all you want while you're here. In fact, there's art supplies in the kid's classroom's, I'll steal some for you tomorrow"

"Oh gosh you don't need to do that" Taeha quickly put her hand in the air as if to stop you 

"I want to do that"

And of course Yoongi had adjusted himself to the new roommate you had. You didn't leave Taeha all alone for the whole night, but a few hours or so, totally. In fact, she liked having complete alone time, as she said herself. She liked the privacy since your apartment was small, and even with two rooms there still wasn't real privacy.

This was perfect, you'd spend time with your needy boyfriend (though of course never let Min Yoongi know he's needy, he'll immediately go angry and kick you out since No im not needy, wtf, ok bye ) and Taeha would spend some time with herself. And it's important to learn to spend time with yourself. 


"What is it Taeha?" you looked back at her from the tests you were grading. I mean, tests, kid tests, let's be frank, even Taeha could grade this. 

"It's him. That guy I was telling you, the one who I liked and ugh you know the story, the rich kid with the drugs-"

"He's calling you?"

"Yeah, it's on mute that's why you didn't hear" she explained "Do I answer it?"

"No" you quickly replied "I mean, I don't want to pressure you, you're smart enough to make your own choices"

And she made her own choice. She answered the call. 

"Hello?...hi...I'm on this exchange thing with school"

Taeha made eye contact with you before switching the phone from one ear to the other. 

"That's nice...what? no...I said I won't do that anymore...i can't do it anymore...please, just call me in a few days okay....well dont get angry....you know what, grow up you asshole"

By the way Taeha hung up and turned off her phone, you assumed she wasn't gonna continue drawing anytime soon.

"He's such an immature piece of shit" she got up "Older than me, but still an immature piece of shit"

She took a deep breath and covered her face. You rested your tests on the side of the couch, getting up as well and waiting to see if she'd need a hug or not. She wouldn't say, she would just approach you slightly and you'd know she needed a hug. 

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