Tense Moments

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The next day, after the events occured at Miraz's castle and the basement hall of the How, Peter is now sitting on a rock outside the How. He felt depressed and lonely.

"Good morning, Peter." said a voice and Peter turned around to see that it was Lucy, who had greeted him.

"Hi." Peter said to her sadly and Lucy sat down next to him.

"You're feeling alright?" Lucy asked.

Peter did not know how to answer her question. He is not alright, he felt miserable.

He felt quite crestfallen at the fact that Edmund might never going to forgive him for his actions, and probably Susan will forever be angry at his reckless behavior.

He also felt quite dejected at himself for not believing Lucy and felt that he is reviving his abillity to repeat his terrible past actions, and it seems like that he's turning on his siblings, which makes them feel hurt

"No." Peter answered honestly.

Lucy looked at him with concern. "What do you mean?"

Peter sighed and looked at Lucy with despair. "You were so lucky to see him." He said unhappily.

"Aslan?" Lucy echoed at the name. She then looked worried. "Well, honestly...I wish he had given me more proof."

Lucy then noticed that Peter felt strangely calm at the mention of Aslan's name.

"Actually, I'm not worried about that part," Peter said.

Lucy felt calm too and then did not mention Aslan's name.

"Actually, I'm not here to talk about Aslan or anything," Lucy said seriously. "I'm here to talk about Edmund."

Peter looked at her in dismay and then wore an exasperation look on his face.

"Why Edmund?" Peter asked, completely ticked off. "Has Susan been talking shit again or what?"

"Peter, this is serious, so I'm gonna have to tell you to shut up." Lucy said, becoming quite angry.

"Yeah?" Peter retorted, "Why don't you educate me right now?"

Lucy looked at him as her blood boils with anger.

"Okay, have you looked at yourself in the mirror even since we came back the last time?" Lucy demanded furiously.

Peter looked at her and said nothing.

"Yeah, I'm guessing the answer is a 'No'," Lucy predicted. "Look at yourself, Peter. When we go to school, same thing happens everyday with you getting fights with people, and also yelled at a teacher for no apparent reason."

"Look, Lucy..." Peter said weakly, but Lucy cut him short.

"No, you shut up and listen," Lucy expounded angrily. "Every single day, when you come home from school after your dreadful day with people, you always get into fights with Edmund, and blamed everything on him and making him feel vulnerable!"

Peter looked shocked and hurt at this. He never had this lecture from Lucy before, but as he had felt sad and depressed just now, he didn't feel any better; he felt worse.

"Christ, I never thought Edmund would think like that," Peter said, "Or Susan."

"Yes, that's why you need to talk to Edmund right now!" Lucy exclaimed. "Otherwise, if this goes on, it will go nowhere."

Peter said nothing. He thought of what will happen if his reckless behavior doesn't stop, and also thought of Edmund crying because Peter made him felt that every bad situation was his fault.

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