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As Edmund walked over to the corner of the hall and equipped his armor and weaponry, he also changed his clothing. He now wore a red Narnian outfit that he once wore during the battle with the White Witch.

"Wish me luck, everyone." He said to all of the Narnians in the room. He can see panic and stressful looks that everyone wore. Bastila ran to him and hugged him.

"Damn it, I wish I was going with you." Bastila said sadly. Edmund pulled her tight and Bastila's head laid on Edmund's shoulders.

"I'll be fine." Edmund assured her and kissed her on the head. "I need to do this, it's all about saving Narnia."

"And I'm with you to death." Bastila said and then kissed him on his cheeks.

This kind of action surprised everyone in the room. Peter, however, hardly react to this interaction.

"Wow...I didn't think that she cared about him so much." Susan said in surprise.

"Be safe, my girl." Edmund said and kissed on Bastila head again. Then he joined up with Glenstorm and Wimbleweather and the three of them walked out of the How.

They see a campsite a hundred feet away from their position. Men marching in and out of the tents. Then, they saw Miraz standing there, using a metal binoculars.

"I bet the bastard is expecting us." Edmund thought determinedly.

Glenstorm looked at him, "You're ready for this?" He asked.

Edmund shooked his head, "Not really." He said nervously.

Glenstorm looked at him and pat a hand on his shoulder. "I'm guessing that this whole thing with your brother stressed you out, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah..." Edmund sighed deeply, but then realizes that they're close to the campsite, so he dropped the subject about Peter and focused on his new task.

As they entered inside the large tent, Edmund can see a rectangular table with men, sitting on each side. Miraz sat at the far end.

"Miraz, I like to present a deal that my brother, Peter, offer you." Edmund said to him.

Miraz stood up, looking quite calmnand steady. Edmund motioned Glenstorm to pass him the scroll that Peter asked Trumpkin to write earlier ago.

Edmund opened the scroll, and began read along the lines;

"I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender."

As he finished, he glanced at everyone in the tent. Obviously, all of the men wore anxious looks on their faces. Miraz, not surprisingly, looked at calm at this as Edmund began to roll up the scroll.

"Tell me, Prince Edmund..." Miraz started, but Edmund cut him short.

"King." Edmund corrected.

"Pardon me?" Miraz asked again.

Edmund looked at him, "It's King Edmund, actually." He corrected him and then looked at everyone. "Just King, and Peter's the High King."

There was a grave silence across the tent, and everyone looked from Miraz to Edmund. Miraz looked shocked and speechless.

"I know, it's confusing." Edmund told him uneasily.

Miraz regained composure and finally spoke, "Why would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out, by nightfall?"

Edmund looked at him and then at everyone else.

"Haven't you already underestimated our numbers?" Edmund asked. "I mean only a week ago, Narnians were extinct."

Miraz glared at Edmund. "And so you will be again." he snarled.

"Then you should have little to fear." Edmund said.

Miraz laughed loudly. "This is not a question of bravery!" he cackled with laughter, but Edmund noticed that no one else joined in the laughter.

Edmund smirked. "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman that's half your age?" he asked.

Miraz stopped laughing and glared at him. "I never said that I refused." he growled.

One of the men spoke up. "You shall have our support your majesty, whatever your decision." he said.

Then another turned to Miraz. "Sire, our military advantage alone allows us the perfect to avoid..."

He did not get to finish his sentence and it was cut short by Miraz who jumped up in his seat and withdrew his blade towards him.

"I'm not avoiding anything, so you shut the hell up!" he growled.

One of the men said to him, "Look, I was saying that you have every right to refuse this bullshit." he said, looking at everyone else.

Then, Miraz's right hand man shook his head. "This isn't bullshit, Sopespian." He said, "His Majesty cannot refuse, because this is his chance to show everyone the bravery of their new King."

Miraz looked at him with rage and then at Edmund and pointed his sword at him.

"You had better hope that your brother's sword is sharper than his pen." Miraz snarled and Edmund smirked in response.

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