An Old Friend

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Around the same time, when everyone else at the field where they're battling the Telmarines, Lucy still riding the horse and found herself deeper into the forest. She was riding the horse and felt so intense and yet that she has this feeling that she's near Aslan.

"Giddy up!" Lucy urged her horse on, but the horse stopped and it whinnied.

"What now?" Lucy demanded in frustration. The horse whinnied and she heard another footsteps, coming from further direction.

"There you are, you brat!" shouted a voice and Lucy turned to see an another Telmarine soldier, and saw that he's riding his horse too.

"Oh, god!" Lucy cried out in dismay.

"Time to die!" the soldier cackled maniacally. He aimed the sword at her, as Lucy gaped.

All of a sudden, came a roar, and then a lion jumped out. The lion landed on near the soldier's position, and it started to roar so loudly that Lucy's horse reared up, and suddenly, Lucy fell off her horse.

Lucy saw that the lion jumped on the soldier, and then the next moment, she saw the soldier lying dead on the concrete.

Lucy glanced at the lion and she gasped. She couldn't believe it and walked towards it and recognize that it was their dear friend, Aslan, whom Lucy looked up to and it was him who Lucy poured all her heart into.

"Aslan!" Lucy breathed and ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his mane. "I missed you so much!"

"Lucy...I missed you too." Aslan said quietly. As Lucy pulled herself back down, and she sat down in front of him.

"I knew it was you the whole time..." Lucy said happily. But she frowned as she then thought of her siblings. "Peter and Susan didn't believe me, but Edmund did." She finished her sentence.

"And that didn't stop you from coming to me?" Aslan asked kindly.

Lucy paused as she hesitated. "I'm sorry, Aslan" She said apologetically, "It's just..." She paused again.

"Yes, dear, go on." Aslan said.

"It's just I was scared to come alone." Lucy said regretfully. "But how come you didn't show yourself? I mean, why didn't you come roaring in to save us like last time?"

Aslan smiled gently and said softly, "Thing never happen the same way twice, dear one..." 

Lucy hesitated again while biting her lip as she sunk herself into a deep thought. She looked at Aslan.

"Well, if I found you earlier..." Lucy said, "Everyone who died...would they be still alive?"

Aslan shook his head firmly. "We can never know what would have happened, dear child. But what happen is another matter entirely."

"So this mean you're gonna help us?" Lucy asked as she gets excited.

"Of course and so will you." Aslan said as he nodded. Lucy sighed again and looked down.

"I only wish I was braver..." She said unhappily.

Aslan grinned. "If you were any braver, you'd be a lioness." He said as he chuckled.

"Yeah, right." Lucy laughed.

Aslan smiled. "Now I think that your friends have slept long enough, don't you?" He asked.

Then there came a roar that Lucy heard many times before in the past. This is the roar that signaled that help has finally come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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