Chapter 46

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The last chapter was extra long and full of things being resolved.

This chapter will be full of more resolutions, yay!

So, on with the chapter :)


It was the morning of Wednesday, a couple days after the trial. Laehal had settled into Pomrey's home quickly. The sun was shining directly onto his face as he laid on his new—and more comfortable—bed. His alarm went off, waking him out of his slumber. He would be going back to school on this day, though it would be a different school.

Pomrey was downstairs, making scrambled eggs for the both of them. While Laehal was at school, she would be breaking her connections with Saia and Tressle, as she didn't need them in her life any longer. She, too, would be making ties and resolving things.

Laehal groggily get dressed, brushed his teeth, and them joined Pomrey in the kitchen to have scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast before saying "See you!" and leaving for school.

He knew he would be that weird new kid who came to a new school in the middle of the year--and in the middle of the week--but he didn't mind. He wouldn't have to deal with Kyrel any longer, though Deeliah would have to fend for herself.

He got to the school quickly, as Pomrey's house—now also his house—wasn't a far walk from the school. And he was excited. He liked meeting new people, sometimes. He didn't want to be seen as some scrub, some kid who didn't amount to much. He wanted friends, and going to a new school was a fresh start for him.

Of course Teriaj would also be going to this school. Teriaj had to watch over Laehal.

Mother Nature was also around, and always had been, helping Laehal connect with his inner Spinner.

He practiced everyday with a spindle that Pomrey had bought for him as a welcoming gift. It had been wrapped in red wrapping paper, but Laehal knew it was a spindle by its shape. She had also gotten him wool to use as practice.

Now, he reached the sea-foam green and beige building, the Mark Horton High School, which was named after its founder and first principal. He walked into the school, many other kids filing in beside him. There was mumbling all around him as the students bustled around. A few gave him looks, and he hear a few students say to each other, "That must be the new kid."

He headed to the office to get his locker combo and schedule.

His locker was number 570, on the end, beside a door that had a sign that said Janitor's Closet on it. He put his bag into his locker, then headed to his first class.

Meanwhile, Pomrey was calling Saia. She needed to break free from that criminal lifestyle.

As soon as he answered the phone her breath got caught in her chest. Saia was her friend, but he was also very serious about his job.

"Pomrey? What's up?"

"Ummm...I've been thinking..."

"'Bout what?" Pomrey could tell he was eating something—fries, perhaps.

"I...don't want to work for you anymore."

She could tell he smiled nervously. "What do you mean?"

"I'm quitting. I have better things to do than break the law."

"You won't tell anyone." It wasn't a plead. It was an order.

"I won't. You have my word." She just wanted to get away from him.


Pomrey is freeeeeee

Laehal has a new staaaarrrttttt

Aahhhhh 4 more chapteeerrrrrsssss


Ps sorry it took so long

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