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I love you all! ☺️

I know there must have been times where you'd nearly given up on me, but thank you so much for staying with me until the end.

Anywhoop. Enough of the sappy stuff.

Last time, Laehal had gotten into the Cavern.

This time, it will be a few years later...(which isn't much for someone in the Cavern)

And now, the final chapter of Whispers.


It hadn't been long before Laehal had become friends with the other Heirs of the Children of Gaia. He immediately bonded with the other Spinners and the Writers, and often felt loved around the Weavers. All the Watchers that were in the Cavern seemed very protective of the Heirs.

And the Cutter had a different demeanor to her. She was more secluded, and yet she pitched into all of the conversations the Heirs had. She did the exact opposite of what Laehal did. He wondered how she could stand it, having to end the lives of the souls.

"I can tell you are confused about me, and my purpose," she had said to him once. "It must seem curious that I destroy your work."

"Yes," Laehal had replied.

"I've always wondered how you can have the imagination to create so many different souls--and not to mention knowing that one day I'll remove them from the Web."

"I often watch you as you Cut the threads. Do you not feel remorse?"

The Cutter looked down at her shears with a blank stare. "No. But I suppose it is better that way."

Gaia settled a soft hand on the Cutter's shoulder. "My daughter, I sometimes regret removing the emotions of sorrow and guilt from your bloodline, but if you felt bad for ending the souls' lives, the Web would be overgrown. I had seen it with my first daughter. You have heard the story."


"It is better this way." Gaia brushed the hair from the Cutter's face. "Now go on. The souls are waiting."

The Cutter turned back to her Cutting.

"You as well, Spinner. You cannot let your brothers and sisters do all the work, now can you?"

Laehal nodded, and sat back down at his Spinning wheel.

"Brother," said one of the other Spinners. "We have all been requested to make our Heirs now."

By this, of course, she meant the Heir that would be taking over their places when the time was right. Laehal had been waiting for this opportunity ever since he had arrived at the Cavern. He had always wanted to Spin the golden thread of his Heir. 

He was nearly vibrating with excitement. He had been in the Cavern for a while with the Guild--Gaia had said that it had been nearly eighty human years, although in the Cavern there was no sense of time, really--and he was nearing the time when he would be replaced. He couldn't wait to see his Heir and pass off his Spindle to the Heir.

Suddenly it occurred to him that all the people he had known before coming to the Cavern had been Cut from the Web a long long time ago. He had disappeared, and his wife, his children, Sever, Shayel, and even Deeliah were long gone. He wondered how his family had felt. He wondered if Shayel had ever heard of his disappearance, and if it was even a disappearance at all.

"You're troubled," Gaia said. "It is alright. It is just part of the circle of life."

"Will I die when my Heir comes to replace me?"

"Mmm. You will see, Spinner. You will see," she said with a grin.

Gaia was mischievous, but she always meant well.

Laehal went back to Spinning his Heir, thinking about whether it will be a boy or a girl.



Whispers is officially finished.

I'm so proud of my baby ;-;

I've worked so hard on this story and I'm so glad you've all come to read it until the very end. It means a lot to have caught your interest, and I thank you for every vote and comment, and every bout of enthusiasm to continue you have given me. It really means a lot.

I will now be taking the time to edit Whispers and remove all of the things (including chapters) that don't contribute to the storyline.

Feel free to reread Whispers in its original version as many times as you would like before I put up the fully edited version.

Happy Wattpadding all :)

If you liked this chapter, please VOTE

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Thank you all for sticking with Laehal and I on this journey.

The end,


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