Chapter 48

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I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU!!!

Thank you so much for sticking with me and Laehal, it means soooo much to me! And thank you all so much for 1K reads! I never thought it would happen, so it just makes it that much special!

Thank yooouuuuu! 💖


Last time we followed Laehal to his first day of school, and Pomrey as she got a job.

This time, we will be back at the house, where Laehal will be practicing his Spinning.


Once the bell rang, Laehal and Teriaj followed the other kids out of their Social Studies classroom. They went to their separate lockers, grabbed their bags, and then left the school together.

"Man that class was boring," said Laehal as he kicked a small rock down the sidewalk.

"Indeed it was," agreed Teriaj. He clutched his bag closer to himself.

"But I'm excited for my practice today," Laehal stated to lighten the mood. "Pomrey said that if I do really good this time, that we can work on it every day and it can be like a chore. So I'll get paid for doing a good job."

"That's great. It will encourage you to work hard. Eventually you'll be a pro."

Laehal sure hoped so.

Meanwhile, Pomrey was on her way out of Papa's Eronii and Spice after she had finished her shift. Fiona had said she had done a very good job, though all she did was pass out menus and then collect them when the customers were finished with them. The customers seemed satisfied with their service, too.

She had bid Matthew and Fiona farewell for the night, taking home a uniform and schedule so that she knew when she would be working. She put them, along with her purse, into the passenger seat, and then got into the driver's seat and took off.

There wasn't much traffic, until she turned onto one of the main roads. There were a few buses and a lot of cars. After all, school had been let out not too long ago.

If this hadn't been the case, she would have been able to stay and work, but Laehal and Teriaj would have wondered where she was, so she had to tell them she got a job.

She pulled into the parking space to see Laehal and Teriaj entering the house. She followed them, taking off her coat and purse and hanging them on the coat rack that was beside the door. She hung her keys up on the wall.

"You'll never guess what I did today," she said, putting her hair in a ponytail. "I got a job."

"So you'll work while we're at school?" Laehal asked.

"Some days. Other days I need to work after you come home. Those days you need to practice on your own."

Pomrey went down the stairs to the left, Laehal and Teriaj following behind. She led them into a room full of wool, a spinning wheel in the centre.

"Start practicing now. If you need help I can show you. I know you've done this before though, so it isn't new."

Laehal sat at the spinning wheel and began to spin the yarn carefully. Teriaj stood a few feet behind him, while Pomrey stood in front of him, watching his hands move, so as to correct him if he starts something wrong.

Laehal kept spinning the wool, and Pomrey grinned when he finished a handful.

"Good job," she said. "You've got the hang of it. And of course it comes naturally to you. Good work."

All three of them then went back upstairs to have a bit of family time. And to do some homework.


Yay Laehal can spin!

I don't really have anything else to say about this chapter other than THERE'S ONE MORE CHAPTER

And then an epilogue.

This is so exciting for me [I've already started chapters 49 and 50] and I hope it is for you too!

If you liked this chapter, please VOTE

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[cheeky self advertisement: I posted a new story titled The Seven and it's this year's short story for school. It'd be great if you could check it out :)

Here's the description:

Seven people find themselves stranded on an island. And they must find a way off.

They don't know how they got there, nor why, but they do know that inside the jungle is dangerous.

Inside the jungle resides a ring of torches, and a woman who has a game for the seven to play...

Who will make it off of the island?

If that intrigued you in any way, feel free to check it out :)]

That's all for now!


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