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Merlin fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. Detention was a form of punishment, but he was looking forward to the day with Arthur. Detention was five hours, so almost as long as the school day, and Merlin and Arthur would be all alone in the library for the whole of the day. His mother was slightly proud of him for landing himself a detention for a fistfight. She exclaimed that he was "finally getting out and about". Then she had muttered something about his rebellious stage and then dashed off to feed the dog.

When Merlin arrived at school, Uther Pendragon greeted him and showed him to the library. Arthur was already sitting, his head in his hands and a moody look drawn across his face. Merlin took a seat at the table next to Arthur, eager for Uther to leave so they could be alone. 

"You will be here for five hours. My office is across the hall and if I hear fighting, I will not hesitate to give you both another Saturday detention. Behave yourselves, and this will fly by smoothly," Uther said. With a click of his boots, he rushed out of the room, the door slamming behind him. Merlin turned to the blond. 

"Hey," Merlin said softly, trying as hard as possible to not be a clotpole. 

Arthur looked at him and scoffed, turning his head. 

"Look, we can be friends, even if we've landed each other in detention," Merlin explained. Arthur looked at Merlin and frowned, looking at him up and down. 

"I'm not gay," Arthur said, seemingly at random. 

Merlin raised an eyebrow and shifted in his seat. "Okay...?" Merlin replied, unsure of why Arthur was making something so painfully obvious a statement. 

"It's just, I know you are, and that you fancy me, but I don't. Fancy you, I mean. Because I'm not gay," Arthur explained saucily. 

Merlin swallowed a lump in his throat and fiddled with his fingers. "Um, okay. I don't know where you heard that but-"

"Morgana," Arthur sighed.

Merlin felt his blood boil and his vision blur, but he tried to keep it together. Morgana. Of course. He hated even the thought of her now. Was this part of her plan? Was it all part of her sick plan to ruin his life? Merlin's stomach churned with a new feelings towards the Pendragons. Hatred. But he would have to keep it in if he wanted fruitful revenge.  

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