A Visitor

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Merlin felt all eyes on him as Arthur sprinted off towards the sobbing Gwen, no doubt telling her that Merlin was a fluke.  A mistake. Merlin balled his fists and looked to his friends and saw that Morgana's frowning face amongst them. He ran out of the cafeteria in shame, and he didn't stop running until he got home. His mother was out with Gaius to run some errands, and so Merlin went straight up to his room and sobbed into his pillow. Arthur probably hated him after that, but it also wasn't his fault. He didn't kiss Arthur, and it wasn't like he had asked him to. If anything, Merlin had every right to be mad at him!

Merlin must have fallen asleep because he woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating. He mumbled and looked at it, seeing that he had four missed calls from Arthur, three from Gwaine, and seven from Lance. The incoming call was another from Lancelot, and Merlin picked up.

"Merlin!" Lance cried.

"Mm..." Merlin mumbled in response. 

"Bloody Hell, where are you?"

"Home," Merlin replied sheepishly. 


"I couldn't stand to stay after... after what happened in the cafeteria. I really like him, Lance, and now he hates me."

"Woah, who said anything about hating you, mate?" Lance asked quickly from the other end. 

Merlin sat up in his bed.

"What? What do you mean?"

"He's only asked me maybe ten times where you'd run off to! Didn't he call you? He said he called you. I think maybe Gwaine did too, but he's just trying to be involved in something."

"So, he doesn't hate me?" Merlin asked with his heart racing. 

"I dunno, but I think you should talk to him," Lance suggested.

Someone rang the doorbell, and Merlin sighed.

"Gotta dash. Talk to you later," he said quickly.

Merlin hung up the phone and threw it down on the bed. He ignored the voicemails and calls from his friends and Arthur and stomped down the stairs. He felt like he was getting to the bottom of this whole lunch room scene, but of course some idiot had to come and--


Merlin had one hand on the door and one hanging in front of him. He was gaping in awe at the fact that Arthur Bloody Pendragon was in front of his house with one hand behind his back and his blue eyes red as evidence of former tears. 

"Merlin, thank magic. I couldn't find you at school and I got worried," Arthur said.

"Why were you worried?"

Arthur raised his eyebrows. 

"Because I care about you, Merlin! I really like you and I was a real prat today and then I hurt you and I was worried. I didn't mean to hurt you, and then when Lance didn't know where you were I got really scared and..."


"I'm sorry," Arthur said. He handed Merlin a single, red rose from behind his back. Merlin gasped in surprise. "Please forgive me, okay? I know I'm a clotpole and an ass, but if you'll take me back, I'll show you that I can be better."

Merlin, of course, feeling like this was his fault, threw his arms around Arthur's neck and kissed him, feeling like he was on top of the world. 

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