Broken Trust

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Merlin pretended because that was the only thing he knew how to do. He pretended that he didn't know that Morgana had betrayed him, and he pretended that Arthur didn't know his secret. For Merlin, it was business as usual. Nothing was different, but nothing was the same.

"Merlin," Lance said two weeks after Merlin's detention. They were sitting outside and eating lunch.  "What's happened to you?"

Merlin shrugged. Gwaine, Merlin's other best friend, looked at Merlin with worry. The boy hadn't been himself since that detention. Gwaine wasn't smart, but he picked up on that much.

"Nothing. It's fine," Merlin lied bitterly.

Gwaine rolled his eyes. "Come on, Merlin. Just tell us," he begged.

Merlin shook his head and looked away. Why did they want to know? Merlin realized that he was probably coming across as an absolute prat, but he didn't want to tell them. He had realized that his secrets were never as secret as they seemed. Speaking of secrets, Arthur Pendragon chose that very moment to walk past Merlin and his two friends with Gwen at his side and Morgana trailing behind. Merlin saw Arthur glance at him, but Merlin looked down at his shoes so Arthur didn't have to see the blush covering his face. Morgana joined Merlin under the shade of the tree he was sitting under.

"Hey, boys," Morgana smiled. Lance and Gwaine smiled at her in returned and looked at Merlin who had subconsciously shied away from Morgana. "I'm having a party this weekend. Hope you can make it."

Merlin didn't say anything.

"For your birthday?" Lance asked. He wasn't close to Morgana, but he'd heard enough about her through Merlin, and he'd been forced to sit with her at lunch sometimes. There was no arguing her beauty, but Lance had his eyes on Gwen. 

"Yup," she replied. 

"I'll be there," Gwaine said. Gawine, the biggest flirt in school, thought that Morgana was beautiful. He didn't know her that well, but she always seemed so special and unique. Gwaine admitted to himself that he'd always wanted to be closer to her. 

"How about you, Merlin? Arthur will be there," Morgana beamed, as if that made hanging out with her any more enticing. Merlin shrugged, figuring that if he said he couldn't make it, she'd realize that something was up. Merlin was still furious that she told Arthur, and he wasn't sure that he'd ever let that go. How many other secrets had she spilled?

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Merlin grinned. As soon as Morgana wasn't looking, his smile fell back into its usual sullen frown. 

Lance looked nervously at Merlin. 

"Oh, there's Cenrid! Catch ya later, boys," Morgana exclaimed as she eagerly ran off to greet Cenrid. 

Lance and Gwaine closed in on the pensive Merlin and decided that they needed the truth.

"What's happened, Merlin? Something with Morgana?" Lance asked nervously. He feared that Merlin wouldn't trust him and that he'd run off and never talk to his two friends again. He didn't want to tell them the truth, but they were both so hellbent on getting it!

"Nothing, it's fine," Merlin tried.

Gwaine frowned. "Just tell us. We've always been here for you, haven't we?"

Merlin considered this. Gwaine, by some miracle, was right. Lance and Gwaine had always been loyal, no matter what. Merlin caved.

"Morgana told Arthur," Merlin whispered. 

The two boys exchanged shocked looks. That was nothing like the Morgana they knew. "Told him what?" Gwaine asked, though he was sure he already knew the answer. 

"That I love him? That I'm bi? I don't know, but he knew about my feelings for him. She betrayed me," Merlin explained.

The two friends remained silent for a minute or two, thinking about what this meant. Morgana was no longer a friend as far as they were concerned. She'd hurt Merlin, and that was more than enough to get on their bad sides. 

"She's a bitch," Lance finalized. 

"A hot bitch," Gwaine agreed. 

"Bitch," Merlin giggled. 

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