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Hey, loves! So... I'm going to continue this story. I had someone die in the duel... and no, they will not be returning. I apologize. I really loved this character but, like all good things, he had to go. There will be more and I am very open to suggestions. This is a short chapter because I just needed you to find out who died! Anyway, please comment and I love you all!!!!! <3 



No one knew about what had happened. 

Merlin wanted it that way. 

He returned home and Gwen hugged him, thanking him for being all right. The pit in Merlin's stomach was too much to bare. He retired to his bedroom and sobbed into his pillow. He couldn't believe the events of the day. Every time he tried to walk through what had happened, he felt like throwing up. And he did. Twice. He went to sleep without dinner. His sleep was plagued with nightmares. Nightmares of the bullet flying at unfathomable speeds into his chest. When he woke up in the morning, he had to go to school. He got ready and drove in with Gwen. She insisted that he didn't look well enough to drive so she took the wheel. Merlin was silently grateful.

When he got to school, he went straight to his locker. Nothing felt the same, not without him. Merlin saw a familiar face stand next to him. The face looked at him cautiously and then sighed and pulled books from his locker. Merlin took the look from the person as a sign of disgust. He tried to ignore the pain in his heart and the pain in his side, but it was becoming too much. How would he be able to face people? How was he supposed to tell Gwen the truth? How was he supposed to tell anyone?

"Hey, mate," Gwaine said from behind him. He turned around and saw his old friend standing behind him. 

"Not now, Gwaine," Merlin pleaded.

"You okay?"

Merlin nodded. He had to pretend. "Yeah. Just running late for class."

He brushed past Gwaine and into his classroom. Science. Great. He sat in the back of the room and tried to keep his head down. He made it through his first three classes with no problem. But by the time lunch rolled around, he was overly done with everything. He went to go sit outside when he bumped into the one person he didn't want to see.

"Merlin?" he asked.

Merlin tried to shove past him, but it was no use. He was stronger than Merlin was. "How did... how did it all go?"

Merlin shook his head, trying to keep the tears in his eyes. "It was fine."

"She's not here today," he said sadly.

Merlin nodded. "I know."

He smiled softly. "Thank you, I guess."

"For what?"

"For doing what you had to do."

Merlin tried to keep walking but he was stopped again. "I didn't. Someone..." he burst into tears. 

"Come here. Talk to me," he pleaded. He led Merlin to the bleachers, the direction Merlin was heading anyways, and sat him down. He let Merlin cry into his shirt and he rubbed his back to try and calm the raven haired boy down. Merlin was an absolute mess and couldn't seem to form a single coherent thought in his head. Before him was someone he trusted with his life and he couldn't even find the words to say what had happened.

Why Morgana wasn't the only person missing today. 

"He came in and did it and she shot him."

He raised his eyebrows. "Merlin?"

"It should have been me there. I should have been the one on that floor. Dead. I should have been the one..."

"Merlin, who took your place in the duel?"

Merlin looked up into his blue eyes. "Lancelot."

The blond's eyes grew large as these words sunk in. Merlin was going to let himself die but instead, his best friend did. Suddenly, everything made sense. And Arthur held Merlin a litlte tighter.

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