The Break In

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"Gwen, I have to," Merlin complained. Gwen nodded. They'd been having the same fight for three nights since Gwen moved in. Merlin argued that he had to go and find out if Morgana had anything else up her sleeve, and Gwen argued that it was too dangerous.

"Fine. But if something happens to you--"

"I'll be fine, Gwen," Merlin smiled.

Gwen kisses his cheek. The two had grown quite close since she had moved in, even though it had only been three days. Of course, Merlin was still just as close to Lance and Gwaine. If anything. he was closer to them. Lancelot was especially appreciative of Gwen's presence in their friend group. He thought they really had a "special something".

Merlin snuck out of the house after Gwen promised to cover for him. He needed evidence and he needed it fast. He wanted to be able to warn Arthur of the threat Morgana had on Uther's life, but he knew Arthur wouldn't believe him unless he had something big. Something tangible. So, Merlin got into his car and drove off into the night. He drove to the Pendragon Masion. He knew he'd find what he was looking for there. Gwen said that Morgana was spending the night at Morgause's house, which meant that Merlin had the perfect oppertunity to sneak in through her almost always open window. 

He was grateful for the large drain pipe that climbed up the side of the stone house. He was able to climb up it and enter through her slightly open window without setting an alarm off. He dropped onto the floor of her room and began looking for some kind of evidence. Her bed was made and empty, and the lights were off all throughout the house. The house slept, but Merlin did not.

He started going through papers on her desk, but he found nothing of use. He then ventured over to her bed where he knew she kept something important. Her diary. Merlin found it in the lockbox under her large bed and held it in his hands. Evidence. There had to be evidence somewhere within. 

"What do you think you're doing?" someone asked from the doorway. Merlin turned and saw a very cross and evil-looking Morgana standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. Merlin swallowed his fear. Why was she there?

"You're supposed to be at Morgause's," Merlin reminded her. 

"She got sick," Morgana explained. She took a step toward Merlin and he backed up into the wall, trying to get as far from her as possible. "I'm tired of you messing with my plans, Merlin."

"I'm just trying to keep Arthur safe," Merlin hissed. He held onto the box for dear life.

"I can't have that," Morgana said.

She lunged at Merlin and caught him by the collar of his shirt. He tried to get out of it but she punched him in the gut. He fell to his knees, gasping. He had forgotten how she had been trained by Arthur. Having a slightly older brother made her have to be able to protect herself when their games got too violent. Merlin groaned and collapsed on the floor. Morgana kicked him repeatedly until he was bleeding and in too much pain to even take a staggard breath.

Arthur entered the room in a sleepy daze.

"Morgana, what in God's name are you doing at--"

Arthur stopped dead in his tracks.


He rushed to Merlin's side and quickly assessed him. He had a bloody nose and a black eye and maybe even a broken rib or two. Arthur glared at Morgana who was standing in the corner of the room with her lockbox in hand.

"He attacked me, Arthur. He broke in here and attacked me," Morgana sobbed. Merlin tried to say something but it hurt too much to move. To speak. 

Arthur looked at Merlin, the boy with the raven hair that was covered in blood, and then he looked at the unscathed Morgana. "Not this time, Morgana," he hissed through gritted teeth. "I don't believe you this time." 

Morgana stopped sobbing and rolled her eyes. "Why do you even care about him? You two aren't together anymore."

Arthur looked into Merlin's eyes for a moment before responding. "You very well know why," Arthur replied without looking away from Merlin.

"Right. Because you love him. Well, he doesn't love you. How could he after what you did to Freya?" 

Arthur's jaw dropped. Merlin was too out of it to even notice the whole concept of Arthur loving him being thrown around. 

"Merlin, it's not what you--"

"I forgive you, Arthur," Merlin said.

Arthur was crying. "Are you serious?" 

Merlin nodded, but it hurt. "Yes. I love you, Arthur. No matter what."

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