Hunith's Warning

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The day of Lance's funeral. The police found his body. Merlin sent them an anonymous tip. He dressed in his best black suit and wore a black tie with a white shirt. He stood in front of his mirror and gelled his hair. He left his room and knocked on Gwen's door. She opened the door and greeted him with tears. She was wearing a long, black dress. She looked beautiful. Merlin decided that Lance would have kissed her then. At the thought of Lancelot, Merlin's heart ached. He missed his friend so much.

"I still can't believe it," Gwen sobbed. Merlin held her and nodded. He didn't know what to say. He kissed her cheek and she smiled lightly as he led her downstairs. Hunith was in the kitchen with the dog. She was reading the paper already dressed in a black dress.

"You ready to go, Merlin?" she asked. Merlin nodded wordlessly. Hunith tried to smile supportively but she honestly didn't know what to do. Lancelot had been Merlin's friend since as long as she could remember. He was always the person Merlin trusted the most, and Hunith liked watching them grow up together. And now, he was dead. She wondered why so many people in her son's life had to die. His father, his girl friend, his best friend. He wouldn't be able to take another heartbreak.

At the funeral, which was outside under the grey sky, Gwen rushed to Gwaine's side. They'd grown fairly close during her relationship with Lancelot. He didn't have the heart to tell her how he really felt, especially after the death of Lance. He felt like he couldn't do that to him, dead or alive.

"Merlin," Arthur gasped when he saw the red eyed raved haired boy. He pulled him into his embrace. Merlin rested his head on the blond's shoulder and tried to hold back his tears. Arthur was the only one that knew how hard it was for Merlin to be here because he felt like it was his fault. But Arthur couldn't blame Lancelot. Merlin was right about it. If Arthur had known he would have done the exact same thing.

"Thanks for coming," Merlin said as he pulled away from Arthur's reassuring embrace.

Arthur nodded and smiled softly at his love. He brushed a tear off of Merlin's face with his thumb. "Of course. And my offer still stands. If you want to sleep over tonight you can. I don't want you to feel alone."

Normally, Merlin would have said something about never feeling alone. He was always cute and flirty like that. But now, Merlin just said "Thanks for the offer. I'll think about it." And then he walked off to find Gwaine. Arthur stood there until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't really know anyone here. The rest of the Knights would come later.

He turned and saw Hunith standing behind him with a worn frown on her face. "Arthur," she said, "can I speak with you please?"

Arthur nodded and nervously swallowed. He followed her to a more private space by a big tree a few feet away from everyone else.

"I want to talk about Merlin for a second," she said.

"What about him?" Arthur asked as he shoved his hands into his pockets nervously.

Hunith glared at him for a second. "Merlin is very guarded, especially when it comes to romantic matters," she began.

Arthur wasn't aware that Merlin had said anything about them being together to his mother. "Mrs.--"

"I can see from the way you look at him that you two are more than friends," she explained. "And I know that he cares very deeply for you. Perhaps too deeply."

He raised an eyebrow. "I don't understand."

Hunith sighed. "Everyone Merlin cares for breaks his heart. My son is a good person. He doesn't deserve this heartbreak, yet it happens. He lost his father, then Freya, and now Lancelot. He has a strong heart, but it can only take so much before it breaks completely. I'm asking you to be careful. If you have indeed won his heart, I want you to be very cautious with how you hold it. I do not wish to see my son fall victim of another broken heart."

Arthur didn't say anything. Merlin called his name and he nodded at Hunith, letting her know that he had understood her words. Arthur wasn't even sure what to make of her warning. Was he supposed to never break up with Merlin? He didn't find that he would do so anytime in the foreseeable future. Maybe she meant that he wasn't allowed to die. He thought of Lancelot and how he had died to save Merlin. Arthur would never be able to promise Merlin that he would not do the same.

Merlin smiled softly and took Arthur's hand in his own as the ceremony of Lancelot's life began. Arthur's mind was far from the funeral.

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