The Duel

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The inside of the building was dark and eerie. When Merlin entered, he instantly saw Morgana standing with her back to him. She turned when he entered and a sickening grin spread across her face. She was wearing black jeans, black boots, and a black hoodie. She looked like a proper criminal. Merlin had wanted to this in something much more comfortable. He was wearing a pair of jeans and one of his favorite shirts that said "Wizard In Training" on it. It had been his father's. He would have worn Arthur's jersey but he didn't want anything to happen to it.

"I'm surprised you came," Morgana said.

Merlin took a bold step forward. "I'm not afraid," he replied. 

She rolled her eyes. "Right, I forgot about your nobility and your constant need to impress people."

"I don't need to impress people. I'm not doing this to play hero. I'm doing it to stop you from doing something you'll regret."

She sighed and put her hands on her hips. Her once kind eyes were overrun with anger and jealousy. What was she jealous of? "We'll see about that."

"Do you have them?" 

She nodded and retrieved two things from her bag in the corner. They were both wrapped in handkerchiefs. Merlin took a deep breath as Morgana unwrapped them both and held one out to him. He took the object in his hand and turned it over to carefully examine it. He looked up at her. 

"One?" he asked, his eyes still on the object.

She nodded.

"Mind if I check?"

"Be my guest."

Merlin unloaded the weapon and examined the singular bullet loaded into the old gun. They were from Uther's collection in the Pendragon Mansion. The room had always been locked, but Morgana had her ways. Satisfied, he loaded the gun and held it in his right hand. Morgana did the same.

"What are the rules?" Merlin asked. He'd never been in a duel before and it seemed a little old fashioned for his taste. But Morgana had insisted that it was the fairest way to do things. One bullet in the chamber. One chance to kill the opponent. Merlin wasn't going to fire at the sky or aim anywhere but her face.

"We walk and count to ten. When ten is reached, we turn and fire. Simple, really."

Merlin was surprised at how calm she sounded. "You sound awfully calm," he said.

She shrugged. "It's not my first duel."

Merlin took a deep breath and calmed his mind. One bullet. One shot. He wasn't going to mess it up.

Morgana started counting.


One step.


Another step.


Somewhere, a door opened.


Merlin heard footsteps.


Merlin saw him. He had a smile on his face.


He approached Merlin.


Merlin tried to make him leave.


He shook his head.


He took Merlin's gun.


He fired the gun and Merlin's screamed. It hit Morgana in her hip. Her bullet passed straight through him and grazed the side of Merlin's chest, making him cry out in pain. He fell and Merlin fell to his knees, desperately trying to help his friend survive.

"Why?" Merlin sobbed. He ignored the pain in his side and held his friend's head in his hands.

"I wasn't going to let you do this, Merlin. Did you really think I was?"

Merlin nodded. "I didn't want you to do this for me. You didn't have to do this."

"I did. It was my duty."

"No," Merlin cried.

"I love you, Merlin. You are the bravest man I've ever known."

Merlin sobbed again. "Says the man who took a bullet for me."

He smiled up at Merlin and closed his eyes.

Merlin waited for a response. 

He said nothing.

Merlin checked his heart.


He checked his pulse.

He was dead.

Merlin screamed.

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