Car trouble

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Hey, guys! Here's an update for ya. I want to write something else but idk what. Anyone have suggestions?


The car spun three times and then came to a stop. It lurched as it stopped spinning, causing the airbags to go off. Uther sped off past them, leaving them behind his car. Arthur and Merlin looked at each other for a moment, noticing that they were both surprisingly okay.

"You okay?" Arthur asked to clarify.

Merlin nodded. "Strangely, yes. You?"

"Same," he said.

"We should call Gwen," Merlin suggested. "She can pick us up and take us back to my place."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "That sounds good. Can you...?"

"Yeah, I'll call her." Merlin pulled out his phone and called Gwen. He wasn't sure if she'd pick up. He vaguely remembered something about her having plans with someone tonight, but he couldn't remember the specifics. She picked up on the third ring.

"Merlin?" she asked into the phone.

Merlin sighed in relief. "Gwen, thank magic. Where are  you right now?"

"Um, the diner," she replied.

Arthur looked at Merlin and tried to figure out what was happening, but he had always been bad at listening in on phone calls. He leaned back in his seat, helpless.

"We're about ten minutes from there. Can you come pick us up?"

"What? Why? Aren't you at Arthur's?"

Merlin rolled his eyes, knowing that Gwen would grow anxious with the request. "Yeah, we're fine. Just ran into some, er, car trouble."

"Okay," Gwen sighed on the other end. "I'll be there soon."

Merlin hung up and set the phone in his lap. He turned to Arthur and smiled softly. He was amazed that they were both unscathed from the crash, and he was happy to see his blue eyed love in almost perfect health after the night. He wondered what kind of damage had been done to the car and how much it would cost to fix it.

"You're thinking," Arthur noted.

Merlin snapped out of his daze. He realized he'd been looking at the same spot on the windshield for two minutes. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Arthur asked.

He shook his head. "It wasn't anything interesting," he argued. "Just wondering about the car."

"I would pay for it, but I'm not exactly sure how happy my dad would be about that. Honestly, I'm not even sure how happy he'll be to have me in the house."

"What, you think he'll disown you or something?"

Arthur shrugged, trying to pretend like it didn't bother him. "He's a dick and he's angry. It's a possibility."

Merlin leaned back in his seat, thinking about the possibility of Arthur having no place to live. "You can live with me," Merlin suggested.

He chuckled. "I'm sure your mom would love us living together and sleeping together and--"

"We have a guest room, you clotpole."

"I have quite a bit of money. I'm sure I'll survive."

"Uther won't cut you off?"

He shook his head. "I have some money if my own. I've been saving up for a while. Not really sure why, but it just seemed like something I should do. I guess I knew something like this would happen."

"You mean falling in love with me?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and smiled. "I wish. I started saving when I thought I was straight."


"But this is better than anything I could have planned for back then."

Merlin felt his cheeks redden. "Shut up," he mumbled with a sly smile.

Arthur planted a quick kiss on his cheek as Gwen's car approached. Merlin braced himself for a slew of questions and maybe even some yelling as she parked her car. Arthur offered his hand, which Merlin accepted.

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