Called to the Office

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HAHAHA hate myself! (: have had lots of drama as of, like, two days ago. hate boys. new angsty mindset. watch out! jk! biblio is always full of clouds and stuffffff yay life! haha anyway, so you probs hate me now let's just, uh, get to the chapter or whatever. Yeah... bye. Sorry for being me/annoying hahaha ily lovies! (sorry this is short)

-bibliosoph (who luvs ya)

"Merlin," Arthur said as Merlin sat down next to him in class. "You're back." Merlin had been called into the principal's office a few minutes prior, and Arthur had been very anxious. He wondered if his dad had found out about Morgana and what had happened with the duel. Arthur couldn't possibly think of another reason why Merlin would be called to the office.

"Arthur, did you come out to Uther?" Merlin asked.

Arthur felt his stomach drop. He'd totally forgotten about it. Uther hadn't even mentioned it since it happened. He had just kept going like it had never happened at all. "Bloody hell," Arthur moaned. "What did he say? Did he hurt you?" 

His eyes frantically searched Merlin for some kind of injury, but Merlin just laughed. "You worry too much, clotpole." Merlin kicked him under the table. 

"What the hell was that for?"

"For not telling me, prat! Why didn't you tell me you came out to him?"

Arthur was beyond confused. "Are you mad?"

"No, I'm just sad you didn't tell me. This is... such a huge step for you. For us. I'm proud of you. I wish we could've celebrated or something."

Arthur smiled his smug little smile. "Who says we can't anymore?"

Merlin did his best to try and ignore Arthur's comment, but a small smile escaped his lips. Neither of them was paying attention to the lesson now. "He wants to have me over for dinner."

Arthur almost laughed at that. "What? Dinner?"

Merlin nodded. "Yeah. Dinner."

"You're not going, are you?"

"Course I'm going. It's your dad, Arthur."

"It's Uther. You hate him."

"True, but I love you." 

Arthur rolled his eyes, but he was happy. He hadn't expected Uther to be so understanding, and he especially hadn't expected Uther to invite Merlin over to dinner to get to know him better and accept him as Arthur's boyfriend. It was also amazing to him that Merlin had agreed to it. Merlin had been so weak recently, and now it was like he was going right into the lion's den. For Arthur. Arthur smiled to himself, wondering how he had gotten so lucky.

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