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"You're threatening me with a spoon?" Merlin asked in bewilderment. Arthur Pendragon was standing in front of Merlin with a spoon in his hand. He held it threateningly, and Merlin thought it was hilarious.

Arthur whipped the spoon onto Merlin's face, leaving a red mark on the side of his face.

"Alright, I get it. I won't tell anyone," Merlin huffed. He'd managed to corner Arthur and demand to know what was going on. He said Morgana was worried, but that wasn't the reason Merlin was asking him. Over the past week, Arthur and Gwen had hardly been together and when Arthur got home, he locked himself in his room. Morgana told Merlin all about it.

"Swear to God?" Arthur asked.

Merlin nodded. "Of course," he said whole heartedly.

Arthur looked around to make sure no one was watching and then he sighed. "I'm gay. I think," he said.

Merlin raised his eyebrows in wonder. Arthur, gay? That didn't add up.

"But Gwen-"

"I don't know anymore. When she kisses me, it's not real. It's like kissing... I don't even know why I'm telling you this," Arthur mumbled with his cheeks painted red.

"Because I'm a friend," Merlin decided to say, "and you know that sometimes I like guys, so that makes me a good person to talk to. And, if Morgana's told you anything, I'm a good secret keeper."

Arthur smiled and did the most peculiar thing. He wrapped his arms around Merlin and gave him a good, old-fashioned bro hug. Merlin was beaming when they pulled away, as was Arthur.

"You always surprise me, Merlin. I thought you were this shy gay kid who fancied me too much for his own good, but now I see that Morgana's obsession with you is rightly just," Arthur said. Merlin knew that it wasn't really a compliment, but he took it as one. It felt good to have Arthur say nice things about him. 

"And I thought you were just a clotpole," Merlin beamed in return.

"A clotpole? What's a clotpole?"

Merlin smirked. "Two word definition?"

Arthur shrugged. "Sure?"

"Arthur Pendragon," Merin smiled. 

Arthur rolled his eyes and leaned against the locker behind him. "You can't talk to me like that," he said with a smile on his face, "I'm the principal's son."

"Oh, see if I care, clotpole."

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