The Jersey

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"Hey, Merlin?" Arthur asked as they were snuggling on Merlin's bed. 

Merlin shifted. "Yeah?" 

"Will you come to a party with me tomorrow?" Arthur asked. He took Merlin's hand and drew circles in his palms.

"Sure. Where is it?" Merlin asked. He played with the collar of Arthur's first year Rugby jersey. The way that the jersey fit Arthur, a little tight, was perfect. The red accentuated his blonde hair and the golden logo of the Camelot Knights made his eyes pop. Merlin also loved how it said Pendragon on the back in big, gold letters.

"My place. It's just gonna be a few of the guys," Arthur explained.

"The Knights?" Merlin asked, his voice dropping. He wasn't eager to hang out with Arthur's rugby team, especially because he wasn't sure how they would take it, the whole gay thing. Arthur had practically already come out because of his stunt in the cafeteria, but Merlin wasn't sure if he'd be able to be around all of them.

"Yeah. Morgana will be with Gwen, but it'll be fine," Arthur said.

Merlin frowned at the thought of Morgana. He thought about how awkward it was for Arthur and Morgana to be siblings through all of this.

"Morgana will be there?" Merlin asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, but we'll be with the guys. It'll be cool," Arthur shrugged.

"Can my friends come too?" Merlin asked.

Arthur smiled and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend, his cheeks red. Merlin always made him feel happier than he had ever been before.

"Gwaine and Lance? Sure, the Knights will love 'em," Arthur said.

Things were silent for a second.


"Yes, Merlin?" 

"Can I wear your jersey?" Merlin asked.

Arthur beamed and slowly slid the red jersey over his head. Merlin slipped the shirt over his own, gaping at Arthur's well-chiseled chest. Merlin kissed Arthur and soon the two became a mess of limbs, kisses, and passion. 

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