Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Clyde's pov

"I can't keep doing this Clyde." My cousin Rynn says walking me out of the police station. "I'll pay you back." I mutter. "Clyde, why are you doing this? You could've easily paid for those glasses why did you have to steal them?" Rynn asks disappointment in her voice. "I don't know okay?" I snap at her. She gives me a hurt and disappointed look. "I'm sorry, I just... things are really hard for me right now." I sigh. "I know babe, but things will get better, kay?" She smiles softly. "Yea." I say forcing a smile.

I like my cousin, I really do. It's just, I feel like she doesn't understand me. She has everything! She's beautiful, with green eyes and long dirty blonde hair. She has a boyfriend who cares for her, and doesn't date her to get in her pants. She has an education and is heading to Princeton soon. She has it all, and I'm jealous of that.

You used to have that too, I think to myself.

She just constantly reminds me that I had it all at one point, but lost it all because of one stupid party. I had amazing friends, impeccable grades, and a great life. It just disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Are you listening to me Clyde?!" My cousin groans. "What?" I answer. She sighs, "I said Logan is gonna pick me up now, and that you should go home and really think about where your life is heading." She tells me. "Okay, see ya later Rynn." I mumble.

I start walking off when I hear a motorcycle pulling over. I already know who it is. "Kitten! How've you been?" Smirks Max. I turn around to see Max Grey, the hottest guy in school. "You know I hate that nickname." I frown. "I know that's why I say it." Max says poking me in the ribs. "I need a ride, are you willing to give me one?" I say getting to the point. "Only if you let me in your pants tonight." He says wiggling his eyebrows. "In your dreams, Grey." I smirk.

Max and I started seeing each other a week after the incident. He was the only one who would talk and be nice to me. So naive little Clyde fell for him hard, but I never let him in. I was afraid he would leave me for a slut, and damn was I right. I was heartbroken, but Max just made me see the reality of life. Happy endings are only in fairytales.

Max gave me a ride home, and placed a kiss on my cheek. "You have better savor that moment cause that's all you're getting." I say turning around. "I don't know Clyde, I think I can convince you to give me more." Max muses. I give him a fake laugh, and close the door behind me.

The sight I walk into is not pretty. My mom looks furious, I bet she's out for blood. "I got a call from the station, again." She says looking me in the eyes. "Did you tell them I said hi?" I say tossing my jacket on the couch. "Clyde this is serious, you're not going to be sixteen forever! You could be sent to jail!" She yells. I give her a dirty look. "Is that going to ruin my personal record mommy?" I say in a baby voice. "Clyde, I didn't want to do this but-" I start walking away not wanting to deal with her. "-I'm going to send you to military school." She finishes.

I stop dead in my tracks. She can't do this! Not now! Not ever! Going to Military school would be horrible! "You're right mom, I'm not going to be sixteen forever." I smile sweetly. She looks confused, "wait what?" "Meaning you can't send me off to somewhere I don't want to go once I'm eighteen." I snap. "Well you can't stay here anymore you conceited selfish brat!" My mom yells. "Fine! I've always hated this place anyways!" I say stomping away to my room.

I can't believe her! She doesn't own me, I'm my own person. I've changed, and she needs to accept that.

I pack a suitcase, and take enough money for me to be able to live on my own for a while.

I grab my phone and dial the number of one of my least favorite people. "Hey Kitten! I didn't know you would cave in so easily." He says happily. "I'm not asking you for it Max, I need a place to crash. I had a fallout with my mom." I sigh. "Yea sure. You can come over whenever you like." He says. "Alright thanks, bye." I say. "Bye." He says, ending the call.

Well I guess I'm spending the night at the bad boy's house.

Short chapter I know
But I'm tired and I just wanted to get it over with.
Well bai now


LOL Lex from the future again

This story man... 14 year old me was really into this 

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