Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Clyde's pov

Around nine at night, I got an uber over to Max's house, just to find that the whole front yard is filled with red solo cups, trash, and stumbling teenagers. He's having a party when he knows I'm spending the night? Are you serious?

I stomp angrily inside, trying to ignore the grabbing hands of drunk guys. I spend ten minutes trying to find Max, and when I do, he is in the middle of getting laid. The sad thing is, is that I thought he was better than this. I should've known. "Max! We need to talk!" I say angrily, giving him the best glare I can muster up. The blonde girl turns her head and shrieks pulling the covers over her unclothed body. Max groans and pulled on his shorts. He starts walking towards me, and I pull him outside.

"What the hell were you thinking Max?! You knew I was spending the night!" I yell at him. "Yes I did, and I also knew you've never really had fun at a party, you were never really into the party scene." He smirks, like he is the good guy here. "Hmm... I wonder why I don't like parties Max, maybe it was because a certain someone slipped something in my freaking gatorade!" I say raising my voice. "Words hurt Kitten, I was just trying to help." He says placing his hand over his heart in mock sadness. "Just cut the crap Max. Tell everyone to leave!" I start yelling again. "C'mon Clyde, live a little." He says taking my hand. I shake his hand off and give him a dirty look. "Just a couple rounds of dares, and then I'll call it off! Promise!" He says extending his pinky. "No, you call it off now. I am not taking this shit anymore." I glare. "My house. My rules." Max glares back. I sigh, "Whatever, a few rounds." He smiles that boyish smile that I've always loved... Wait what? "You're the best Clyde!" He says pulling me into a rib crushing hug.

He takes me up to the second floor of his house, and pulls me into a room with a few other people. "Alright, I brought Clyde along so we can start." Says max. "Ew! Maxy, why didn't you take out the trash?!" Whines the blonde girl who was in his bed earlier. "The trash has ears." I frown. She rolls her eyes, and takes a seat on Max's lap. I sigh and take a seat next to a brunette guy. "I want to go first!" Shrieks the blonde in an annoyingly high pitched voice. Where the hell does Max find these girls. "Only if you shut the fuck up." I say with a straight face. "Alright bitch, I dare you to make out with the weird guy in the hallway." She smiles like she had just come up with the best dare anyone has ever heard. "Okay, fine." I say nonchalantly.

Taking my first look at the guy, he was already swapping spit with some tan girl. Whatever. 

"Get a room guys." I say trying to break them apart. The guy turns his head, and my eyes meet with familiar gray ones. "Clyde?" He asks. "Drew?" I say surprised. I turn my head to see Brianna. "...and Bri?"

I finally came to my senses, and realized what my ex-best friends were doing. "What the hell?" I say. "Woah, what is it Clyde?" Drew asks, concern all of his face. "You two, were like sucking each others faces off!" I shriek. "Ew! Clyde you make it sound so gross! It's just kissing!" Bri says making a face. "Are you guys... like dating?" I ask slowly. "Yea, we are." Drew smiles grabbing Bri's hand. "Clyde are you okay?" Asks Bri. No I am not okay, you were swapping spit with my first love. I think to myself, But I would never tell her that. "Uh, yea. I'm fine." I say forcing a smile. "Hey we should totally hang out like we used to! Wanna spend the night at my house Clyde?" Smiles Bri. "Uh I don't know..." I trail off looking at the floor. "C'mon Clyde, it'll be fun." Drew says. "That's what you said about the roller coaster when we were 8. I ended up almost falling out because I was too small." I laugh. "I remember that!" Laughs Drew.

"C'mon Clyde, it'll be fun." Drew says pulling me to the long line. "I don't know Drew... Maybe we should go back to my mom." I say scared. "Clyde!" He whines. I never like when Drew is unhappy. "Okay fine, only once though!" I say forcing a smile so he won't feel guilty.

We wait in the line for what feels like forever until we get to the sign where they have to check our height. "Sorry, but you're too small girl." Says the scary man working the ride. "O-okay." I stutter. Drew pulls out a 5 dollar bill and slips it into the guys hand. "I think we're good." Smirks Drew. "Okay you kids can go through." Says the guy narrowing his eyes.

He lets us through, but I'm still shocked. " How did you do that Drew?!" I askwide eyed. "I saw it in a movie." He shrugs.

We get seated and almost immediately the ride takes off. We go through a series of twists and turns, but in the middle of the loop I almost fall off. Thanks to Drew, I didn't because he held me down.

When we get off Drew has a crazed smile. With his blonde hair sticking out in every direction he looks like a mad scientist. I giggle. "What is it Clyde?" He asks. I smile and point to his hair, "Your hair looks like a bird's nest." Drew's face turns a red colorand quickly tries to smooth it out.

"Better?" He asks.

"Better." I confirm.

"Yea so we should totally hang out tonight!" Smiles bri. I nod my head, "Okay, I'll hang out with you guys." I say, completely forgetting about the dumb dare.  I wanted my old friends back. I missed them so much, even though they did blow me off for something that wasn't my fault.

Okay there is the next chapter!
I really like Clyde and Drew together.
It's adorbs
Alexisnvaldez off.

Lol alexisnvaldez off

I was such a dork lol, well hey I sorta fixed this chapter.

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