Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Well Clyde, it looks like you're bankrupt!" Brian said happily as I landed on Park Place. He owned hotels on both both Park Place and Boardwalk. I groaned in frustration as I flipped the board. "Hey, don't be mad because you didn't win!" Brian said laughing. "You only won because you cheated!" I laughed, getting off the couch.

I walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water. I was walking to the fridge when Brian called out to me. "Hey Clyde?" Brian said in a questioning tone. "Yea?" I replied. "Who is Drew?" He asked slowly. "My best friend." I replied nonchalantly.

I walked back over to the couch, and sat right next to Brian. "You um have a text message from him." He said looking at my phone. "Nah it's okay he won't care if I reply later." I say getting into a comfortable position. "Oh okay." He said looking to the side.

Something was wrong, this is a Brian I've never seen. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "He said he loved you." Brian said emotionless. I quickly picked up my phone, and sure enough there was a whole typed out love letter. "Oh my god." I said reading the huge text Drew sent me.

Brian was quiet for a while, but I didn't notice because I was wrapped up in my own thoughts.

Drew loved me? I started to like him lot in the past weeks, but now any confused feelings for Drew were gone. I liked Brian now, and I liked every single minute of getting to know him. I just felt bad for Drew. I wish I would've acted out on my feelings sooner, but Max was in the way.

"I'm going out, lock the door when you leave." Brian said emotionless. He got up and threw his jacket on. I placed my phone back on the table. "Where are you going?" I asked still wrapped up I'm my own thoughts to see what was going on. "I'm just going out!" Brian said obviously annoyed.

He slammed the door on his way out. What was his problem? All of a sudden he just became angry. Maybe it was Drew's text.

Well no shit Clyde! you would be jealous if Brian got a text from a girl you didn't know saying she loved him!

Ignoring my mental sarcasm, I decided to wait out Brian's anger and wait for him to come home. I ended up cleaning up around the house and doing the dishes. I didn't know how his dishwasher worked, so I just hand washed the them.

I finished cleaning a while before he came back, and I found myself thinking about Drew again. I knew he liked me but I didn't know he loved me.

Why can't my life ever be simple? I need to call Drew and tell him what's on my mind.

"Hey Drew... we need to talk."

Brian's pov

I over reacted. I got mad at Clyde for no good reason and now I need to apologize. I had just barely met Clyde, and I was already getting possessive over her.

For the past few hours I've been wandering around aimlessly trying to clear my mind. The only good thing that came out of this mess was that I got my favorite icecream, chocolate with malt balls, at Thrifty's.

Making my way back home, I thought about me and Clyde. What were we actually? We've only seen each other a couple times in these past couple weeks. I really like her, and more importantly I like being around her. She's different. Clyde won't bullshit me like other girls, she'll tell me straight up what she's thinking. Clyde's also gorgeous, with her blue eyes and cute nose. I couldn't think of anyone more perfect for me. On the other hand, she's too indecisive. I never know if I really have her.

I don't where Clyde would be right now, so I'll just have to go home and grab my phone.

I opened the door, not expecting it to be so clean. I walked into my room to find Clyde napping on my bed. She's so adorable when she's asleep. I decide to go sit next to her. For a while I'm just sitting there thinking.

Clyde must've cleaned while I was gone. The atmosphere was more comfortable around me and Clyde. God, why did I have to be such a dick earlier? Once she wakes up I'll make it up to her.

Hey guys! I'm just hanging out with areader7!!
You should go read her books because they are swaggy yo!
Alright see you later.


Swaggy? Bai? I can't deal



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