Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Clyde's POV

"Clyde!" Craig yelled. He waved his hand over my face frantically trying to get my attention. I couldn't focus on him because the moon was so beautiful and full. A couple of birds were still out, and they flapped their wings quickly and gracefully. "Clyde, you need to get up!" Craig said lifting me up a little bit. I didn't really want to get up, when I could just stay here and stare at the stars. "Clyde you're drunk." Craig yelled when he finally got me to my feet.

No shit I was drunk! I don't drink just to drink, I drink to forget. I still couldn't forget Drew's emotionless face though, so that meant I needed more booze! I reached for my canteen, but Craig took it away.

"Craig!" I whined. Craig was still trying to get me to his car as I struggled to get back to the bar. "What?" Craig frowned. I got really close to his ear so I could whisper. "I need more to drink." I said quietly. He pushed me softly away and rolled his eyes. "I think you've had enough. You know this stuff ruins your liver right?" Craig said giving me a parental stare. I smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. "Yup!" I smiled. "You're something else Clyde." Craig chuckled.

Craig finally managed to get me in the car, to much of my protest. He drove in silence, not speaking one word to me. I wasn't sure if he was disappointed or was just thinking. Since I was totally wasted, I couldn't read emotions that well either. I couldn't even guess Craig's emotions, he was just that unreadable.

"Clyde?" Craig asked quietly. I wonder what was going through his mind right now, if he was thinking of Nicole. "Yea?" I answered, a little bit sober now. "Did Ryan treat Kira and Nicole well?" He asked concerned. How did he even know about Kira. "Yea, he was a good guy. Do you know the story about them?" I asked (more like slurred) Craig. Craig shook his head no, and looked to me as if to tell me to go on. "Well, uh, when they got married Nicole was still in love with Kira's dad. Ryan just ignored it thinking Nicole would grow to love him. He said she really did try, to love him I mean, but she was still in love with Drew, Kira's dad. Ryan said that every time she said she loved him it felt like Nicole was trying to convince herself that she loved him. Ryan began to hate Nicole, hate that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get over Drew after almost twenty years. Ryan eventually fell out of love with Nicole, and found someone he did love and who loved him back. At first, I was angry at Ryan for doing something so horrible to Nicole. Now that I look back at it though, I understand why Ryan would do such a thing." I finished, not really sure if Craig could understand my incoherent slurring.

Craig didn't say another word the whole rest of the drive. Not even a goodbye when he dropped me off at my house. I really wonder how Nicole knew Craig. The way Craig talked about Nicole sent off signals that they couldn't be just friends. I'll have to find out some other time though, because I'm so tired right now.

I twisted the door knob and felt the cool air conditioning hit me in the face as I walked inside. "Hey kiddo." My dad smiled sympathetically. He must know what's going on too. "Where's mom?" I asked, as I undid my ponytail. "She went to the hospital as soon as she heard the news. "Oh." Was all I said as I set my things down on the table. Walking towards the stairs my dad called my name. "Yea?" I answered. "We have a lot to talk about tomorrow, so get some rest alright?" My dad said, giving me the same sympathetic smile.

Funny how I didn't get any sleep at all that night.


Waking up is a beautiful thing. It means you survived another night, and you were strong enough to accept another day. For the first few seconds of consciousness you don't even remember the bad things that have happened to you, but all good things must come to an end.

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