Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Drew's pov

I watched Clyde as she sat up rigidly, fear and sadness apparent in her eyes. I don't even know how to feel. I wanted to be angry and go kill that son of a bitch Max, but I also wanted to be with Clyde and tell her everything is okay. I just want Clyde to be safe.

We just came home from the hospital a couple of hours ago. Clyde was going to be okay. There was no permanent physical damage, but emotionally she was broken. She had to get stitches where the rock had cut her, but other than that everything was minor.

All that mattered was that she was okay now, and no one will ever hurt her the way Max did.

The police are currently look for that bastard. I hope he rots in hell. I feel my fist clench up in anger.

I need to let it go, for Clyde's sake, but I just can't. How could you ever forgive someone for doing something so horrible to a person.

It disgusts me.

He disgusts me.


Clyde's pov

I was awake,but I didn't feel awake. I just sat here in a daze, ignoring my surroundings. There is nothing worst than dealing with reality. The pain that comes with it is the worst. I wanted time to freeze, so I would never have to deal with all the damage.

I wanted to die.

Dying is an easy escape route, that protected you from the hell that life was. It's much easier than dealing with the everyday struggle of being alive. But then you have to think about all the people that would be pained by your death.

I still couldn't remember anyone or anything, so why should I care? It would be their problem and not mine. But I knew deep down that living is the thing that I have to do.

I forced my self awake to see Drew sitting on the chair next to me. He was sleeping, which I knew he probably needed because lately I've been a handful.

I feel so horrible for causing the people who love me so much pain. I can't even imagine what it's like having to take so many hospital trips, and desperately hoping their loved one is okay.

Now we were safe at home though, so maybe the tension will ease up. Maybe we can go back to normal, and forget everything that's happened and just go on with our lives.

As of right now, Drew was my only friend. He was the only one I could trust. He's the only one that cares. I am so thankful that I have someone to care for me like he does.

I walked over to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. I opened the fridge door and grabbed an apple. I started munching on it, and then the doorbell rang.

I hesitantly walked over to it and checked who it was. I didn't recognize him, but he fit the description that Drew gave me of my boyfriend. I wasn't sure how I felt about this. My so called boyfriend hadn't even visited me during my hospital trips, and I didn't appreciate him not being there for me.

I slowly opened the door to my 'boyfriend'. "Uh hi." He said smiling awkwardly. "Who are you?" I questioned annoyed. I'm pretty sure I knew who it was, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure. He was taken back and had a blank stare. "I said who are you." I said even more annoyed. "It's me, Brian. Your boyfriend!" Brian said. I felt someone walk up behind me. "I think you should go." Said Drew, who sounded even more annoyed than me. Brian's face reddened with anger. "I should go?! I come to talk to MY girlfriend who hasn't been answering my texts, and I was was worried about her. And then I come to her house to see what's up, and she doesn't even fucking remember me!" Brian yelled. Drew scoffed. "You shouldn't even be able to call her your girlfriend! You cheated on her with my sister!" Brian's anger seemed to fade into shock, but went right back into anger. "How do you fucking know about that?!" Drew suddenly got angry also. "How wouldn't I know about that? Kira is my freaking sister, and Clyde's bestfriend!" Brian looked at me disgusted. "I can't believe I'm dating you! This is a fucking mess! You're not even worth it! This... This thing we have going on is over!!" Brian said looking straight at me. After that he walked away.

I honestly didn't know how to feel right now. I wanted to be mad at Brian for not visiting me during my tough time, but I also want to know what happened to me and him that he had to go off and cheat on me.

I fell back on the stairs if my doorway and cried. Drew held me, and told me He wasn't worth my tears, but that was my boyfriend. That was the guy who was supposed to love me and care for me the way that Drew did.

Then it hit me. I was spending time with the wrong boys, Drew is the one that I want. I looked up at Drew's face and looked into his beautiful gray eyes laced with concern. This is the boy that I wanted.

I kissed him.

He was confused at first, but then he kissed me back. I let my hands find their way to his hair, and he settled his hands on my waist.

Everything came back to me. Not shocking and rigid like you would think, but smooth. It was as if every second that went by, I kept remembering more and more, but I was to focused on the kiss to care.

We ran out if breath and pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine, and I slowly ran my fingers through his hair. "I thought that would never happen again." He whispered. A smile formed on my lips. I looked over Drew's face, I can't believe i never noticed how beautiful he is. I just kept smiling and replied to him. "Well it did, and it's going to happen again."

You can guess what happened next.


I'm back! yayayayayayayay! I'm sorry for being off so long. It's been a little difficult for me to figure out what to write. idk. whateva.



That took like 20 chapters to happen haha. But they're together now so yay!

Btws I'm not planning to end this story anytime soon. Clyde and Drew haven't even touched the surface of shit that they're gonna have to go through.

Sorry I'm so evil. I am truly sorry.

K den


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