Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Drew's POV

I woke up with a killer head ache. My head felt like some one kept hitting it with a baseball bat over and over again. The light coming from my windows was blinding me. I groaned, and slipped back under the sheets wishing I didn't have this horrible head ache.

"I bought some Advil for your head ache." Said the very person I did not expect to talk to me. I came out from under the covers, and I looked at Clyde confused. "I thought we could talk." Clyde said placing the bottle of pills and water on the night stand. "What are you doing here? What about your flight." I asked, popping the pills in my mouth. Clyde shrugged, "We rescheduled." I shook my head in disappointment. "Clyde, a ton of people have already seen your disguise." I sighed as I watched her sit down on my floor cross legged. "I can get a new one, but I don't have another chance to talk to you again." Clyde spoke shyly. "We don't have anything to talk about. You told me how you felt last night." I said, feeling bitter at the way she treated me last night. "I'm sorry Drew. Jason and i didn't do anything after we left that night. It just didn't feel right, and even if I had it wouldn't have dulled the pain any less. I guess I was just lying to myself by trying to forget you. Frogetting you seems impossible." Clyde finished.

I could feel her staring at me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. The feelings of hate and betrayal kept me from forgiving her. No matter how much I wanted to take her back there was always something getting in our way. Maybe we weren't supposed to be together, and the universe was trying to stop us from making a mistake.

"Drew, I love you." Clyde said desperately. I looked over at her and I broke. She was a mess now, her make up running down her face. It felt like this whole mess was my fault, no matter how hard I try to make her happy, it seems like i'm always the one responsible for her tears. "I never told you this because, I wasn't sure of my feelings. I didn't want to love you the way that I do, because I've never felt this way before. I was scared that you would leave again, but now I don't care. I just want you to know that I love you even if you don't love me back." Clyde said beginning to sob.

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. I loved her more than I have ever loved anyone in my whole life, but I knew it would be selfish for me to take her back considering the situation we're in. She was being hunted down by gang leaders, because of my messed up family. I can't bring her down with me, so now... I have to let her go.

I stood up, and ran a hand through my hair. "Clyde" I said looking her in the eyes. "I'm sorry, but I don't love you." I said frowning lighlty. "Wha-what?" Clyde said in shock. "I said I don't love you." I repeated a little too harshly. "But-" "I thought I loved you, but I just realized it was just lust." I said rolling my eyes. "Clyde, I mean, C'mon you're fucking hot." I said gesturing to her body. "If you ever want to bang, no strings attached, I'm your guy. But I don't want to do the whole relationship thing." I said, trying to make myself as douchey as possible. "Who the hell are you, because you're not Drew. Drew would never swear, and last time I checked he was never such a..." Clyde yelled trailing off at the end. "Cool guy? Stud? Sex god?" I suggested nonchalantly. Clyde seemed repulsed at all of my suggestions. "Such a dick!' Clyde yelled, backing away from me. "I don't even know what I'm doing here, wasting my time on a douchebag." Clyde said slamming the door behind her."

There goes the love of my life walking out the door, hating my guts.

It was for the better anyways.


Clyde's POV

As soon as I got out of Drew's room I lost it. I started to sob uncontrollaby, not knowing what in the world happened to him. How could he go from a complete sweetheart to an arrogant douchebag in one night? I don't know, but it seems like Drew doesn't want me to stick around enough to find out.

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