Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I love the way you make me feel. I love it, I love it.

I sing along to the radio as I clean my room. It's been a week since I got grounded, and I've decided I might as well accomplish something during my house arrest.

I put the last piece of trash into the plastic garbage bag. Thank God my room is finally clean. I smile and plop onto my bed. I never noticed how nice my room looks when it's clean. Maybe I should clean it more often... Nah.

My dad starts to knock on my door. "Come in." I yell over the loud noise of my music. My dad pokes his head through, "Some guy is here to see you." My eyes light up, and I instantly think of Brian. I jog downstairs only to be disappointed. Why is my life like totally sucking lately?

"Uh hi." Drew smiles awkwardly. Without thinking I punched him. Why is he here?! I don't want him, or need him at the moment so he needs to fuck off. If he didn't have to be so damn adorable, and make me want to kiss him we wouldn't have this problem.

It's your own fault for being indecisive.

Me? Indecisive? Nooo, not me!

Right when my hand makes contact with his face I instantly feel guilty. Ugh, why do you do this to me Drew? I just want to punch you and be mad at you.

Drew reaches for his cheek, where I just punched. He then looks at me, and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out beef jerky chew and hands it to me. I take it, studying his features trying to decide if he's angry. "Sorry, for everything." He says pulling out our old friendship bracelets I made for us when we were little. I smile happily, accepting the beef jerky. "All is forgiven, sorry for punching you." I smile awkwardly. "All is forgiven. I sorta deserved it anyways." Drew smiled back.

I take Drew's hand and lead him up to my room. "Dad! Drew is gonna hang out for a bit! Kay? Thanks!" I yell, not even caring to wait for his answer.

Now inside my room, I search for our favorite game. Finally finding it, I place it on my bed where Drew is sitting. "No way." He says. "Yes way." I smile. "Is this the one from-" "When we were little, yea." I say cutting Drew off.

We play the game for hours, until I finally win. "Ha! You're broke! I win!" I smile jumping up from my sitting position and doing a victory dance. Drew frowns, "Is the pizza almost here yet?" As if on cue, the doorbell rings. Drew pops up suddenly smiling. "I'll go get it." He says jogging downstairs. Giggling, I clean up the game.

Downstairs I hear yelling. "Calm down boys!" I hear my dad say sternly. I quickly run down the stairs. What I see is not something pleasant, Max and Drew together is never good.

Max notices my presence and snaps his head over to me. "We've been broken up for less than a week, and you're already fucking goody two shoes over here?!" Max yells gesturing to Drew. My dad jumps in and grabs Max's shirt. "Hey! Watch yourself buddy, that's my daughter you're talking about." Almost immediately, Max shoves my Dad off. Drew stands in front of me protectively.

Ugh males.

"Dad, I love you but let me handle this. Drew, wait inside." I pause for a moment and look to Max. "We're going outside." I glare at Max.



Okay I'm tired



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