Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Clyde's pov

Right before you actually wake up, you're only half awake. You're still dreaming, but you're also aware of your surroundings. From what I could tell, that's what state I was in. I hear a steady beeping noise somewhere, and it is annoying as hell. I just want to sleep, but the sound is keeping me awake. I occasionally heard voices, sometimes I felt like I knew the voices, and other times they weren't familiar. Staying in that inbetween stage was a lot of work, I was constantly wanting to go back to sleep or wake up. I was pretty sure that I wasn't ready for what I had to face back in reality, so I just decided it would be best to stay in this trance as long as I could.

I heard a distant voice, but unlike the other times I heard the voices I could tell what this one is saying. "Clyde, I really miss you. I love you, you know. It's hard to think that there's a possibility that you don't love me back... It's been a while since I came to visit you, two weeks I think. The last time we talked was three and a half months ago... that's a long time huh. I really do miss you." The voice said. I could feel something touching my cheek.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a blonde haired boy looking at me wide-eyed.

"Clyde?" He asked shocked. Clyde? What kind of name was Clyde? That was an old man's name. "Clyde, are you okay?" He said interrupting my thoughts. "What?" I said my voice dry and raspy.

At that moment is when the pain really hit me. I suddenly got a terrible head ache, and my throat felt like it was on fire. I tried to sit up, but my headache was too strong. Everything seemed like it was hurting. Damn I'd so rather be asleep right now.

The blonde guy jolted upright, and looking surprised. "Clyde! You're awake!" He smiled widely. "I'm gonna go get a nurse." The blonde guy said, hopping out of his seat. I think I nodded, but it might have looked like and awkward head movement. 

The lights were so bright, and I felt like throwing up. Yea, I'd so rather be sleeping again. I waited patiently for the someone to come, but they were taking a long time. I didn't really notice where I was until now. The plain white walls, the small TV set, and the heart monitor all screamed hospital. I started to get really worried. I tried remembering things about myself, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I remember anything?

I was beginning to get really nervous. If I didn't know who I was, what if they didn't know either? What if I was going to be with out and identity for the rest of my life?! Everything began to pile up, but then I remembered the blonde guy sitting across from my bed. He obviously knew who I was, and that meant I belonged to someone. The thought of people missing me and being worried about me was comforting.

The nurse, who was about 25 or so, walked in with a glass of water and some pills. "Hi I'm Jenna." She said smiling. I smiled back, at least Jenna seemed nice. "Okay Clyde, I'm gonna have you take these pills okay. We've notified your parents that you're awake, and the doctor should be in a moment." Jenna said. I took my pills as she told me to, but I was still confused. "Uh Jenna." I said. "Yes?" She replied. "Why am I here?" I asked. Her face grew concerned. "You were in a really bad car accident, and you had some serious brain damage." Jenna replied solemnly. "Oh." Was the only response I could come up with.

Well this sucks.

"Where are my parents?" I asked, finally finding the words to say. I really could not remember anything. "...Who are my parents?" A million thoughts ran through my head. I don't remember anything. How am I supposed to feel about almost dying?

"We've notified your parents and they'll be here as soon as they can. I'm going to go get the doctor to see how serious your memory loss is, mmkay?" Jenna said calmly with a reassuring smile. I tried to calm my self, but I just couldn't. I wanted to remember everything and just go back to how my life was.

The blonde guy came back in with a sheepish smile on his face, and I couldn't help but smile back. "So, uh what's up?" He said. I laughed, "Uh well I just woke up from a coma. What about you, how have you been doing?" This was nice, something to take my mind off of everything. "Well, we had baseball cuts yesterday, and I'm the starting 1st baseman." He smiled. "That's good I'm happy for you." I paused. "Can you introduce to me who you are" I asked.

I honestly did not remember him, but I so wish I did. He was good looking, really good looking. He had a killer jaw bone, close cropped dirty blonde hair, a nice lean body, and beautiful grayish bluish eyes. I think I would've remembered somebody so hot, I mean damn.

I got so wound up in my own thoughts I didn't notice the confused and hurt look on the guy's face. "You don't remember me?" I finally noticed the look he was giving me, and I started to feel kind of bad for not remembering. It's not my fault I don't remember though, right? "I don't remember anything, don't take it personally." I said trying to reassure him. He nodded. "I'm Drew, I'm your best friend. We've been friends since as long as I can remember, mainly because our mom's were best friends. I don't know what else there is to know" He finished, trying to hold back his disappointment of me not remembering him.

"What about me? Who am I?" I asked. "You're 16, your birthday is April 2nd, your smart but you don't apply yourself, you're very shy, you love video games, if you don't eat Chick-Fil-A everyday you basically die, you're funny, you're also sweet but you don't want any one to know, and you're dating a douchebag." He ended sourly. 

I was genuinely shocked how he ended that. Drew didn't seem like such a blunt person. I was kind of offended that he said that. I couldn't help but notice that he seemed sort of jealous of my boyfriend.

"He's my boyfriend, so I can be the judge of that not you." I said angrily. "I think you should go, I'm kind of tired." I said softening up a bit. Drew also softened. "Clyde, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." "Well you did, and I don't want to talk to you anymore." I said frowning, acting like a toddler. "Fine." Drew said emotionless walking out the door.

Shortly after Drew left, the doctor came in and examined me. He told me that memory loss was very hard to determine. He told me that my memory could come back in two hours or two years, maybe even never. That was definitely tough to hear. He was basically telling me that I might go back to normal, or I might have to start my whole life over.

My parents finally came, and surprise surprise I didn't remember them. Grace, my mom, was even more devastated than I was. She was crying and mumbling how 'this was all her fault' and that she 'should've treated me better.' My Dad, Garrett, was trying his best to comfort my mom, but he didn't really attempt to talk to me. 

I was still waiting for my boyfriend. Wanting to see what he looked like, waiting to see if he really was a douchebag like Drew had said. When he never showed up I was really hurt. How could he not come see his girlfriend who woke up from a coma? I guess he really was a douche.

To distract myself from it all I decided to read a book. I guess I was so involved with it, I didn't notice anyone enter. When I looked up I noticed that there was another guy wanting to talk with me.

"And who are you?" I asked annoyed. If this was my boyfriend, I was seriously pissed off at him. He didn't say anything, which made me grow increasingly nervous. He stood near the door, with a smirk on his face. Then he began walking towards me. What was this lunatic doing? "Who the heck are you?" I asked again. "Babe, you don't want to know who I am."


Hey sorry guys!! I had written this nice long chapter for you guys but my iPod deleted it! so I had to rewrite the whole thing! Whatever though. I really want chicken nuggets. uh okay bye


omg my iPod deleted it? LOL who owns an iPod anymore. Wow okay going through this story is so funny. 

Lex :)

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