Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Clyde's POV
Numb. That's how I felt. I always had a reaction to things like this. I was always pissed off or so depressed I actually hated myself. This time though I didn't feel anything. At first I felt betrayed, but I just couldn't bring myself to feel anything. I guess I didn't know how to feel. How are you supposed to feel when the sweet boy you grew up with turned into a douche bag overnight. Something wasn't right.

"Are you ready hun?" My mom smiled softly as she got up from the airplane seat. I nodded my head in reply, as I got up to get my suitcase from the overhead compartment. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." My dad said rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.

Rolling my suitcase down the airport walkways I knew that it wasn't going to be okay. Whether it be Drew, the gang, or even myself, something would always be screwing up my life and I just had to accept that pain was just a part of my life.
Life sucks. I don't have any friends, my hair is dead from the amount of times I dyed it, and I don't even have a phone as of right now. Oh and if you're wondering about what I meant by my hair, I dyed it a dark purple because I've already used every other hair color up.

It took forever but we made it to our apartment. To be honest, I actually liked it. We had paid someone to furnish our apartment, and they did a pretty good job. The white walls with gold accent pieces were beautiful, and the fixtures were even more beautiful. Everything about this place just screamed gorgeous.

"Oh Garrett, it's beautiful." My mom gushed to my dad. "Not as beautiful as you though." My dad smiled pecking her on the forehead. I smiled slightly at how in love with each other they were. My mom looked over to me and smiled. "Why don't you go check out your room?" She suggested. I nodded in reply.

I walked down the hallway looking at the beautiful flowers at the end of it. I reached out to touch them and noticed they were gardenias, my favorite. I also noticed that there was a small note carefully placed amongst the flowers. Curiously I picked it out and opened it.

It's not safe, you'll never be safe.

I dropped the note in shock. We had barely just moved here, and already we were found. I couldn't tell my parents this, they spent to much time on money on this place just to be found again. I had to keep it a secret.

I had lost all excitement for my room after that letter, but I decided to take a look anyway. I was glad I did. The room was everything I could ever want. On my ceiling were those glow in the dark stars, the walls were a faded blue color, and there were stringy Christmas lights everywhere. I loved Christmas lights, I felt as if they brightened your day just a bit more if you had them. Everything about this room was just perfect.

I lazily tossed my bags by the closet, and hopped on my bed. "Do you like it?" My dad asked nervously. "Of course I like it, I love it actually." I smiled enthusiastically. "Good, I actually told the furnishing guy to make this room just like this." My dad smiled. "It's great dad, I love it." I said reassuringly. "Alright, I'll leave you to get a feel for it. Have fun!!" My dad said closing the door behind him.

I stared at the ceiling listening to my favorite song on repeat. My mind was just clouded up with thoughts that I couldn't really focus on the music.

How could they have found us that quickly? It just doesn't seem possible, the only people who knew were my parents and Drew and his family. Drew's a dick, but I don't think he would ever tell anyone. Ugh, it's just too confusing for me right now.

"Hi sweetheart." My mom smiled sympathetically as she stepped into my room. I sat up and tried to fake a smile back to her. "Hi mom." I said. She walked over to my bed and sat down. "Are you ready for school?" My moms asked nervously, as if I was going to snap at her. "Mom" I sighed. "School doesn't start for at least two months." I frowned. at the thought of school. "Clyde, honey, school starts in two weeks." My mom said gently. I shot up in bed, shocked. "What?!" I screamed completely taking my mom by surprise. "I thought you would be more excited, it being your senior year and all..." My mom said looking confused at my outburst. "Mom, I'm not ready for this!" I said running my hand through my hair.

I had this tugging feeling in my stomach and I couldn't quite focus on what my mom was saying. I felt like puking, and that's exactly what I was about to do. I ran to the nearest bathroom, as my mom ran behind me, very concerned.

She held my hair away from my face as she comfortingly rubbed my back, as I puked my guts out. "Shh, it's okay Clyde. You'll be alright." My mom said still rubbing my back. In reply, I puked more.

After I finished puking, we just sat on the cold bathroom floor. Almost silent, except for the sound of my sobbing. I wasn't really crying for anything in particular. I mean, like I was crying about Drew, school, and just life in general. I just didn't want to feel like this anymore, why would I when everyday if like a living hell for me.

I needed Drew, like I needed air. I can't go on with out him. I know that sounds horribly cheesy and stupid, but it's true.

For a long while, the only reason I got up in the morning is because of him. He always seemed to make me feel wanted, and not worthless. Waking up everyday and looking into the mirror I hated myself, and then I remember that there was a reason I had to keep going... and that reason was Drew.

After my mom made sure I was 100% okay, she left me alone in my room. I sat on my bed staring at my phone debating whether I should call him or not. After a few minutes of indecisiveness, I gave in to the hope of thinking he would answer.
"Hi this is Drew Davis!" His voicemail said happily. "I'm obviously doing something really cool right now, so leave a message after the tone." Drew continued. "Later."

"Hi Drew." I said my voice cracking as I said his name. "I miss you..." I continued as I started to sob. "..and I can't do this with out you!" I cried. "I'm so sorry for not being the girlfriend you wanted, but I need you." I sobbed. "Please." I cried ending the call.

I threw my phone at the ground, and collapsed on my bed. I probably laid there sobbing for an hour. This is it, it really is over. I'm never going to get over him, ever.
Hey sorry this sucked. And sorry this took like 3 months to appear, and sorry I'm a shitty excuse of a writer.
I can explain though. High school started, and I am seriously a wreck emotionally, mentally, and physically.
I am so not ready for all the homework (especially at my school), I think I really like this boy, and he's to oblivious to realize it, and Every time I throw my arm hurts like a mofo.
So I'm sorry

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