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Basically, I had managed to hire the whole park just for Gemma and I. We could have a picnic and just talk about our future together. I still didn't feel comfortable proposing to her, so that was out of the question.

"We're here." I said, looking over at Gemma who was looking out of the car window.

"This is the park.. What are we doing here?"

"Well, I just thought we could spend some extra time together before the babies come along. I have a picnic in the trunk, and a bonus is I hired the park out so we have it all to ourselves for a few hours."

She smiled, looking beautiful as always but there was something different about her that I'd just noticed. She had this sort of.. Glow about her. I don't know, maybe I was going crazy or something.

"Aw Ace.. This is so lovely, I can't believe you did this just for me! You're too sweet, thank you." She said, as she leaned over and hugged me.


As soon as Asa told me he'd hired the whole park out just for us, I felt an overwhelming amount of love for him. I was honestly so lucky to have someone as sweet and caring as he was.

"Come on then, I'll get the picnic and blanket.. You go and find a spot for us to sit." He kissed my cheek and got out of the car, going around to the trunk and opening it up. I got out after him and started to explore the park a little, finding the perfect little spot underneath a beautiful cherry blossom tree. This park was usually filled with screaming toddlers, and teenagers who looked a bit dodgy.. But now, it was clear, the only things you could hear were the beautiful sounds of nature.

"I still can't believe you managed to hire out the whole park," I started once Asa came over with the picnic basket and blanket. "I mean, how did you do that?"

He laughed, winking a little at me. "I have my ways, Ms Wilson."

I giggled, leaning back against the tree. The sun was shining. I was happy, and I assume the babies were too because they wouldn't stop kicking. "Look!" I whispered, pointing down to my big tummy. There were little pokes visible from either side, both babies must've been dancing or something in there.

Asa chuckled. "I think they're hungry.." He opened the picnic basket.

"What did you make?" I said, looking inside.

"Well, there's salad, sandwiches, fruit, smoothies.. That chocolate you've had a craving for recently, the one with hazelnut bits or something."

I clapped. "Yay! You know me so well." I lifted out a smoothie bottle and a salad bowl, resting it on my tummy and tucking in.


We spend the day in the park just talking, eating and having loads of fun. It really was perfect.

"So.." I said, looking up at the night sky. "It's getting pretty late.. I think we should go home?" I giggled.

Asa shook his head. "No! Let's stay here and look at the stars.. They're so pretty." He laid down and stared up at the sky. I gave in to him and laid down beside him, resting my hands on my tummy and looking up as well.

"Look up there, I can see the Big Dipper constellation!" I said, pointing up at a few stars.

"Gem.. That's not the Big Dipper." Asa chuckles, pulling me in and hugging me tightly. "Good guess though."

"Oh.." I muttered, blushing. Astronomy really wasn't a strong subject for me. "What is it

"I honestly don't think it's a constellation.. It's just a bunch of stars together."

"Oh.. I see." I laughed. "You can see how good I am at astronomy."

Asa hummed in amusement and content and whispered, "they're almost as pretty as you."

"Oh God Ace, that's so cheesy.. Thank you though." I laughed, hugging him tightly.


A/N: n'awwh, i just love adding in cheesy moments between gesa.. you have to admit, they're pretty adorable, right? :)

should i write the birth of the babies in the next chapter, or do you think it's too early and want more pregnancy scenes? comment your opinions please, i'd love to know!!

(PS: I'm so sorry for not updating in around a month or so, as always I was super busy.. I landed myself a job so that's why!!)


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