~°•Dealing With This•°~

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Chapter 4! Thanks to all who are reading this or will be reading this. I am happy that you enjoy it and I hope it continues.

As always if you enjoy awesome😄
If not oh well.

Anywho. Onwards.



I woke up the next morning and looked around. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.
All I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head go back to sleep and never wake up.

After a mini debate with myself that consisted of weather I actually get up or not I finally pulled the covers back.
I swing my legs over the side of the bed and my feet hit the floor. I stood and walked slowly to my cupboards.
I picked out a black shirt and jeans. I grabbed some high tops and black undergarments before heading to the bathroom to change.

I changed quickly to avoid looking at myself. I brushed my hair and left the bathroom. Returning to my room and sitting on the bed.
I was stuck on what to do.
I didn't know what to do.
All I could think of doing was sitting.
Or crying.

I chose the first option and just sat down.
"Hey Ash!" a voice called from downstairs. "You up?" it was Harry.
"I am." I responded "but if I wasn't I definitly would be." I heard a chuckle.
I didn't respond.

Soon enough Harry was at my door, leaning in. "So Liam and I are going to grab breakfast. Want anything?" he asked. My first thought was no.
I don't need to be any more fat and ugly then I already am.
"No I'm alright thanks." I faked a smile.

He nodded and lent back, "Alright. Call if you change your mind." he left with a wink and I laid back.
I was still unsure if what to do.


I grabbed my ear phones from my bedside table and plugged them in.
I pressed play and let the music start.
I went back to laying down and I closed my eyes.

The first song was Never enough. It was one of the new songs on the album. It was all happy and upbeat. So I skipped it.
The next song was Half a Heart. I let it play and I was lipsining to it. I never realized how loud my music really was I until someone tapped my shoulder scaring me lifeless.

I ripped my ear phones from my ears in fright. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a pair of icy ones. Niall. "Hey, you alright?" he asked.
See, that's the problem. I wanted with everything and hoped with everything that he meant it.
That he was genuine. That he cared.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't believe it.

"Yeah I'm cool." I lied, fake smiling to pretend that all was ok. "You sure?" he tried, raising his brows in concern. "Harry said you we're acting..." he paused to search for the right word. "Strange." he continued.  "You sure you're okay?"
"Yep." I replied poping the p to seem happy. He gave me a doubious look but nodded. "Alright, if you need me I'll be downstairs." he smiled reassuringly and hugged me.

I hugged back and he left.
This time I put my music a little softer to prevent the event from happening again. The next song to come on was one thing. I didn't bother changing it. It just made me sadder.
He probably doesn't care, or like me like I like him. He probably thinking I'm insane and stupid.
Ugly and useless, the same as everyone else.

I swallowed and rolled into my side.
A silent tear tell from my eye.
That then turned into a waterfall.
I bit my lip in an attempt to stop the sobbing. I removed the ear phones after skipping to the song moments.
I dropped my phone and wrapped my arms around myself. I stood from the bed and wondered to the bathroom.
Where I broke down.

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