~°•The Party•°~

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Hello once again my friends!

I know, I'm usless cuz I haven't written. But I have now so yay!
This is proably the first and only cliff hanger.
Underline probably.
So yeah, let's get on with the party!



We came to a stop outside a really cool house. It was fairly big and looked amazing.

(A/n: I don't know where he lives, I promise! I'm just making it up for the story.)

From the outside the house looked stylish, it has been built with spruse wood and has blue stone decorations. Small, octagonal windows add to the overall look of the house and have been placed really weirdly. Its pretty cool as the second floor is larger then the first which creates a fancy overhang around half the house.

The roof on the other hand is high and triangular and is covered with stone slabs. Two small chimneys sit a either side of the house. Several long thin windows let planty of light in even though it's getting dark. The house itself is surrounded by a well kept garden.

I was really looking forward to the party and music was practically seeping out from all over the house.
It was loud and quite nice.
Louis then took it upon himself to lace his fingers through mine and lead us to the door, the others following suit.

We hit the door bell and soon after Ed himself in all his ginger glory answered the door. He smiled warmly at us and welcomed us in.

There were chandeliers galore and they looked amazing. So we hugged Ed all one by one before disappearing into the labyrinth that is this house.

The music was louder on the inside and pretty much consuming all the speak-able air around me.
That kinda left me half deaf.
I'll get to that later...
Anyway. There were glass doors opposite the actual door, those lead to the patio and just behind that was a huge pool.
I glanced at Louis who gave me a brilliant grin. I returned the gesture and decided to follow him to a place.
That place I definitely wasn't complaining about.

There was so much food. Okay. Imagine heaven. Got it? Done.
That was the food. All things you could imagine.Okay not all. But a helluva lot. Trust.
Other than that there we're drinks of all variations. Alcoholic ones, fruit punch, cocktails and normal drinks.
Louis grabbed a beer and I decided that I'd get a cocktail.
(Haha, dick joke 😉😂)

After that it was food. Drink. Party. Repeat. Liam didn't really drink but they others. Oh fuck.
Okay all things considered I wasn't smashed. Yeah I was kinda foggy but I knew what I was doing. Hopefully.
The boys on the other hand, I'm really not sure...

I stood from my place on the couch.
(I fell, Shh)
Anyway I went to get some water when I saw Louis passed out. Oh love.
I strode over to him and turned him over. I checked his pulse and breathing just to make sure he was okay. I was relived to know he was fine, his breathing was noraml and Laced with alchol.
His heart rate was okay, it was slightly elevated, but that's bound to happen at a party. So after that I called Liam to help me move him to the car.
That way I'm sure he's safe.

The girls went home early because of... I don't really remember the reason but they said they would cone again soon.

Once that was done I kinda just sat eating chips until, this happened.

"Hey love." It was Ed, I could tell by the ginger hair and blue eyes.
He sat next to me and smiled. To be polite I returned it, but really I kinda just felt sick. I hope we get to go home soon.

Zayn is in the car with Louis, Niall's dancing and Harry is chilling with some chick.
Bare in mind they are all out of theirs.
"You okay?" He asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay." I lied, "You?" I returned the question.
He nodded to, "Grand." He spoke.

We chatted for a bit and ended up outside, by the patio. More random crap was spewed until he lent forward. The patio lights reflecting in his hair and crystalizing hus blue eyes. I was tired and my head was foggy. Before I knew it his lips were on mine.
I don't know how Much time passed but once I realised what was actually happening I pushed him away.
He looked at me confused, tilting his Ginger head.
I shook mine saying, "No, I'm dating Louis." With that I stood and walked away, feeling guilty as hell.

I was so lost in those thoughts of guilt, the foggy mind and all, I fell into the pool with a loud scream before I was completely submerged. I had to close my mouth quickly because the water was weeding it's way into my lungs. I tried to go up but all direction seemed to be lost.

It was like I was already dead.
Lost in the fields of the wondering souls, confused and trying to find home.

It was at that point I felt like giving up. I knew I'd hurt Louis if I told him, I kissed his friend, more he kissed me but I still kissed him. but if I didn't tell him, I'd hurt.
If I wasn't here I could do nither.

The bubbles around me grew darker.
I closed my eyes.


Yeah. Sorry.
I apologize for it being short.
Ashley will be OK.
Or, will she.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed
(Up until, you know..)

I don't know what else to say...



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