
17 1 0

Sorry guys, this is a bit of a filler chapter and that's mostly because I didn't have my writing file on hand when I finished the last chapter,so this will cover the rest of what was meant to be in the last chapter.



We leave for the restaurant in half an hour. The boys are getting ready and I just finished showering, so I was walking to the door to fetch my clothes when I realized. I didn't bring any. Again.
"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. "Louis!" I yelled, hoping he'd hear me. But to no avail. "Louis!" I yelled again... Nothing. "Ashley?" Someone questioned by the door. "Are you alright? Do you need any help?" The voice was getting slightly panicked, which made me realize it was Harry.

"No Haz no, I'm alright, I was just calling Louis because I don't have clothes to change into." I heard a sigh of relief. "Okay Ash, I'll get you some clothes." Harry spoke, moving away from the door before I could respond. Getting a better grip on my towel, I waited for Harry to return. I half turned into my pause mode and began humming, eventually singing one of the songs on my playlist.

"Made a wrong turn, once or twice,
dug my way out, blood and fire,
bad decisions, that's aright,
welcome to my s-"

There was a knock on the door, abruptly stopping my singing. "That was beautiful!" Niall's voice sounded for a second. I smiled. Before there was another knock.
"Haz?" I asked.
"Yeah Ash, your door is locked, so I'll get you one of my shirts then you can get your dress. Is that fine?" I smiled inwardly.
"Yeah Haz, that's perfect."

"I unlocked the bathroom door when Harry returned to collect the shirt from him. "Thank you." I said to him. "Sure." Was his response. I dropped my towel and pulled on Harry's -slightly bigger then me- shirt. It went to mid thigh so I wrapped the towel around my head and walked out of the bathroom. I used my key to get into my room and grabbed the dress.

Once dressed and ready I touched up my makeup and got a glass of water before I felt arms wrap around my waist, holding me. I smiled and leaned back, resting my head on his chest. "Ready go go?" Louis asked. "Yep, you guys?" I felt him nod. "Yeah, just waiting for Zayn to finish with his hair." Louis chuckled, a little over dramatically. I giggled and removed myself from his grasp, turning to offer him some water. He muttered a "thanks." And took a sip. "Cool guys, so, what's exactly is happening Ash?" Liams voice echoed from his room.

(Apologies of the boys already know.)

"It's a surprise." I cooed, a smirk creeping onto my face. The Boys didn't know about Sabrina and Chloe coming to dinner. "Fine." He responded, meeting Louis and I in the living room with the others.

"To dinner, my lady?" Louis called I'm a formal tone, holding out his arm for me. "Why of course good sir." I mimicked his formal tone, grabbing his arm and holding it, trying not to step on my formal red dress. The boys smiled at us and we walked off to the door.


The view of Tokyo city was spectacular. We got a window seat and of course we were partially surrounded by security, but never the less we sat down and waited for Louise, Sabrina and Chloe. While we did so, the boys made cover station and Louis inevitably poked my arm repeatedly.
"What is it Lou?" I ask, my eyes meeting his gorgeous blue ones. "I just wanted to make sure that you're feeling alright." Louis said, slightly knitting his eyebrows. "Aw, yeah Louis, I'm alright." Mostly. "Are you okay?" He gave me a nod and smiled. "Yeah, I'm good." Almost as if it was planned, Niall's haw dropped. "Sabrina? Chloe?" Everyone turned to gawk at them, state in wonder.

Sabrina and Chloe were practically immaculate. Sabrina was wearing a black dress that sparked with orange and gold, almost like fire. Chloe had on a simple, gorgeous purple dress that was silky and drapped over her figure. "Whoa." Niall and Harry marvelled in unison, standing to greet them. They smiled and joined us, Sabrina beside Harry and Chloe beside Niall. Louise joined us and we all added in conversation, and it immediately got interesting.

By the end of the night, we were full, happy and the boys-Niall and Harry- got their numbers. So over all, I'd say that this was a good night.

Now all we have to worry about is tour and CreepymcGee


Sothis is all I got for now, so please dont kill me. I'll update againas soon as I can.

Secondly, this is the month I joined Wattpad last year! so hey!

so thank you guys all for reading this part, I'll see you all in the next chapter!


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