~°·Not Now Louis·°~

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The second he came through the door I stood up to meet him.
"Ashley. Please let me-"  Louis put his hands up in a pausing motion as if he was trying to stop me. I felt my lips tremble in rage, my fists balled up so tight they became white. "Don't you even try to start with me Louis William Tomlinson!" I yelled, throwing my arms up in anger. I huffed out a heavy breath and turned on my heel towards my room in the hotel. "Ashley."

"No. Not now Louis, not ever. You have fucked up." I stuck up an accusing finger in his direction, glaring daggers into his soul. "Please please just let me explain! That video wasn't me, well it was but-" his voice was shaking, I don't know what emotion he was trying to convey but as much as I wanted to cry I just wanted him out.

"Louis, just leave! Go get out!" my voice raised and I felt the tears welling in my eyes. Niall ran into the room just as I finished. "What is going on here?" He interjected loudly. "Nothing. I'm gone." I threw my hands up and grabbed my luggage, storming from the room like a rising hurricane. Fury shot through my veins like wild fire. I heard intense muttering for a moment before Niall called to me.

They stood before me as I whipped around. I heaved a loud sigh and ignored Louis presence in the room, glaring at Niall instead. "What." I snapped, my voice hooked on rage. I don't want  to stay here a second longer. I refused to let them see me cry again. "Please just let Louis explain." I gave him this burning look. "No." I said simply, my voice firm and clear.

"Why. Just tell me why and I'll let you go." Niall negotiated. I narrowed my eyes at the seemingly innocent blond, "You want to know why?" I asked snarkily, grinding my teeth. 


"Because I can't look at you Louis without seeing you with your tongue down Elounor's throat!" with that I flat out turned around and left.

"You have fucked up." I repeated to myself, my shoes hitting the floor echoed through the halls. "You fucked up Louis."


2 days earlier:

"Where are the girls?" I uttered to Louis beside me. "Not sure love." he responded.
"Chloe! Sabrina!" Niall and Harry spoke. "Found 'em." he chuckled. I smiled widely and gently rubbed his hand with my thumb. We all greeted each other warmly and went to find a movie to watch.

~I have recently discovered my complete lack of patience time skip~

We exited the movie theater laughing and joking around. It was a wonder experience and I think we all had a lot of fun. "Hey guys, there's this party going on at RageXCarnival. It starts in like, thirty minutes, wanna go?" Sabrina raised an eyebrow at us. We all looked at each other in silent conversation, half agreeing on it.

"Sure." Liam spoke up. The girls smiled and we followed them to the parking area. Once in the car we let them lead us to the party. 

Once we got there the place was just a ball of complete havoc. people were everywhere, talking, joking, singing along to the music in the background. I looked uncertainly in Louis and Niall's direction. I was about to say something when Liam and Zayn were dragged off by Chloe and Sabrina made a grab for Louis and Niall. I paused, unable to comprehend what was exactly going on.

The boys disappered into the crowed and I knew Niall would be uncomfortable but at least Zayn was there  to help him if he needed it. Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder and I turned to find Harry there. I lent into his chest and hugged him, pleased to have him here. "Sorry Sabrina dragged them off." I muttered. Harry simply shook his head. "It's alright, let's go find something to do." he stated and held my hand, leading us off towards the area with a load of food cars and Shit. 

We waited in line to get slushies when Harry slipped me a handful of cash. I looked up at him in utter shock. "Use it to buy things you want and whatnot. And the slushies please, I need the loo." with that he quickly kissed my forehead and left. So I stood there and worked out the price of the slushies to pay and then put a few bills into my phone cover and then the rest into my pocket. Why did Harry hand me so much money. I doubt things would be that expensive.

I found a picnic table to sit at while I fumbled with my phone to call Harry. It took a moment before I had it in my hand and could call him. I counted the rings in my head until he finally picked up on the fourth one. "Hey Ash, what's the problem?" he spoke his voice soothing to me. "I'm fine Haz, I just wanted to let you know I have the slushies and I'm at a picnic table, just outside where we got the slushies." there was silence until Harry finally answered with "Okay, thank you."

I sipped at my slushy abset mindedly until Harry joined me. I was greatful for his presence because it as a starting to get really uncormfta1ble without someone here. "Should we call the others?" Harry asked, leaning on the table to look at me while taking a sip of his own slushy. "I don't know Haz, maybe they're having a lot of fun and they'll call when they need to." he nodded understanding. "I think the best idea would be to book hotel rooms close by so we can sleep there and then return back to our actual hotels."

"Good idea."


I was right. The hotels were a good idea. And a very terrible one too. Harry and I woke up in the bed where as Liam woke up on the couch, Niall made a small bed on the floor. Next door to us Chloe and Zayn woke up, her in bed and him on the couch. No Louis or Sabrina in sight. I immediately tried to call him several times with no answer, Sabrina too. On one hand I worried about them deeply and on the other I trusted Louis with everything I had.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was horribly wrong though. Sitting up in bed I held my phone close to me. I was still in yesterdays clothes, but so was everyone else. I still had the money and almost everyone was still asleep, except for Niall who was stiring in his little bed. I got up and went to wash my face quickly with water. The bathroom was quite the typical hotel bathroom but it was still quite nice.

I walked back to find Niall sitting up in his bed looking at me. "Harry's in bed, Liam's over there, I'm guessing that Louis, Sabrina, Chloe and Zayn are next door?"

I shook my head and Niall's face changed. "Then who's Next door?" I sighed and sat down beside him, crossing my legs. "Zayn and Chloe." his eyes narrowed. "Where's Louis and Sabrina?" I shrugged. "I've tried calling and neither answered."

"That's weird." I nodded my agreement.


Later that day we got to our hotel properly. To my utter relief Louis was in our room, safe and sound. He was asleep though so I didn't want to bother him. I just kissed his head and started packing my things when suddenly my phone bleeped. I walked from the room to the balcony and checked what it was.

An unknown number had sent me a video. I frowned for a moment and opened it.

What I saw shook me too the core.

"Hey love." Louis voice called and there was a bed, Elenour and Louis went and sat on it. All giggly and happy, Louis gets like that when he's lightly tipsy. I frowned deeply and watched and they smiled at each other and started making out. Eleanor looked very pleased and kissed him more. Deepening it. "I love you." Louis just nodded.

The screen went black and I stuffed the phone into my pocket. I felt tears in my eyes and went to the bathroom, sobbing. I choked myself back together within twenty minutes. I collected myself and wiped my face. I went back to the room to find no sleeping Louis.


I breathed heavily. And watched as Louis walked in. I stood up to meet him...


I'm so sorry it took forever to update a lot of Shit has been going on. Hopefully and sadly this story will come to a full and beautiful end soon.


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