~°•Second Time's The Charm•°~

14 1 0

Ho-ly shit balls.
I'm currently re-reading this story to get a feel for everything to continue yeah?
When I realize:
Okay so it's confusing af and all that shit, honestly, to me at the time it made sense, no fucking clue how but for some reason it did. I'm so sorry for my shit planning and thank you to everyone who is actually reading this.

I know how much I say 'thanks for reading' and to tell you the truth I really really mean it. You guys take YOUR time out of YOUR day just to read some weird little story a girl who is obsessed with bands is writing. So genuinely, thank you. 💚



So we just left for the interview and as always we were messing around in the car, talking, joking, laughing, singing, the usual. When we finally arrived I looked at all the Boys, trying to read their expressions. Liam and Zayn were chilled as per usual, Niall was... Looking off into the distance chuckling, okay well, that hasn't happened in a while, but it does happen. Sometimes I really wonder what he's thinking about.
Harry was being his normal, causal as Fuck rice farmer -no seriously, Harry tends to dress like a rice farmer from time to time.
And lastly, Louis, who's fingers were laced through mine. I'm still so amazed and happy that he's my boyfriend, that I can even call him that.

"Ash, love." Louis voice sounded in my ears.  I shook my head slightly to dispell the day dreaming. "Yeah Lou?" I answered him. "Louise is going to help us quick, then we're going on, see you soon." With that he kissed my temple and walked off with the Boys. Okay. Looks like time flys when you get lost in loving your boyfriend.

Wait. On the note of Louise, while they're in the interview I should probably ask her about dying my hair.

I checked my phone and just looked at more things I could do with make up, seeing so many amazing things to create. Funnily enough, doing SFX make up and learning to blend things in and add in more detail actually made other things in make up so much easier.

"You're on in five!" someone yelled, alerting the boys about how long until they go on stage. My mind drifted to the last I had an interview with them, which was just once a long time ago, about a month or so. That interview was... interesting to say the least. With that aside, the boys were about to go on stage, so I quickly went to the wing and hugged them before going round to Lou.

"Hey Lou," I greeted, entering the dressing room in which she occupied. "Hey Ashley, I haven't seen you in so long, how have you been?" I was unsure of how to answer the question. "I've been pretty good," I finally said, "How are you?" she smiled brightly. "Oh, lovely." I met her smile with one of my own and walked further into the room to sit beside her on the black leather couch. "Do you need help with anything?" she offered, slight concern to be detected in her voice. I shrugged, "Yes and no," I told her.

"Alright," she nodded, leaning in slightly, "What is it?" she tilted her head to the side, causing her snow-like hair to fall with it. "I was going to ask your opinion on something." I said. "My opinion on?" she continued. "My hair." her head tilted back to normal and she smiled widely. "Okay, well, what about your hair love?" I stopped, taking my time to look at her, taking in her beautiful hair and those exquisite crystal brown eyes staring back at me.  "I was thinking about dying my hair Teal blue or something." I expressed, eager to hear her opinion. 

"Teal, as in full head or just the tips?" she queered. "Not sure, that's why I'm asking you." I stated honestly. "Alright, well, your hair is a beautiful caramel color, so possibly think about it, do you want to bleach it and go full on Teal or just the tips." I pondered the  question, deciding my fate. "Could we do just the tips for now? if I really like it or something I can get my whole head dyed." she grinned. "It's done then, so do you want me to recommend someone or do it myself?" my eyebrows raised in surprise.     As if that is even a question.                               "Lou, of course I want you to do it," she laughed and nodded. "Alright darling, we'll arrange something." I gave her a bright smile, "Thank you Lou," she came and hugged me, "Sure Ashley." 

Just as I stood up I heard the announcer for today conclude their interview. "Alright boys, take care!" with that they all emerged from the wings of the stage, echoes of their appearance sounding behind them. I walked over and they were all moderately smiling, which I liked. "Fun interview?" I ask, draping my arm around Harry's neck. "Yeah, it was really chilled." he nodded. 


We just got home from eating dinner at 'The Apollo' which I found quite cool as it was a Greek restaurant named after one of their Gods. He is the God of Music, Poetry and Sunlight -and a couple other things too, but those are the main ones. I actually thought was amusing since they are famous singers. At least Niall and Harry laughed at my joke.

"Guys, bed in an hour please, we have to be well rested because we have a concert tomorrow." I resisted the urge to shout back "Okay cool Daddy Direction!" and instead just looked at Louis and laced my fingers into his, causing him to look at me and grin in that adorable way he does. "Okay!" Harry and Zayn answered before we could. We just chuckled and went to our room, soon followed by Niall. 

I went to the bathroom to change into some loose blue PJ's and fix my hair before removing my make up and curling into bed at last. Only to be disrupted by Louis launching himself onto the bed beside me. I let out a frustrated groan and rolled over to face my boyfriend. "Lou, what the fuck." I said casually, to exhausted to put emotion into it. "The fuck is I'm going to cuddle you, but I just wanted to annoy you first," he gave me a cheeky grin and opened his arms. 

I rolled my eyes before shuffling over into his warm, loving embrace. "You're lucky I love you." I joked, playfully ruffling his soft brown hair. "Ditto." was all he answered with. 


Hey my friends, so that was this chapter.

I'm sorry it was so short :( 

Other then that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that your day is really good :)

So do as you please, vote, comment, all that jazz.

As always, stay awesome my friends and I'll see you all in the next chapter!


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