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Next chapter.
I'm so so sorry. 
I've been really reluctant to write due to the fact of I'm so so stuck. But I finally kinda got over it.
I apologize.


I woke up around 12, head pounding and nauseous to hell. It took me forever to stand but once I did I regretted it. "Oh for, fuck sakes," I muttered under my breath.  I was still in my dress and I hated the feel of this so I went to the bathroom,  eyes closed and head down, shh, it helped.

I undressed, carelessly tossed my closthes into the wash and climbed into the shower.  I turned on the shower and let the warm water soak my body.  I kinda just stood there for the sake of doing so.

After a while I perked up the courage to wash myself, hair, face and all before almost dragging myself out.
At least I was clean.
The nausea was still there but the head ache was subsiding, mostly. 
Oh yeah, on that note, did I mention that my lungs stung.
Imma guess it's from the whole 'almost drowning' situation.
That's when I realized.  Fuck. 
I didn't bring my clothes, like I normally do.

At that point I said fuck it and wrapped my towel around me and headed to my room.  I grabbed some leggings,  Jean shorts. A long sleeve black shirt and a denim vest. I put on my bra and underwear before putting on all of my other clothes.  I looked,  eh,  I won't kill anything so I'll be fine.

I dried my hair quickly before,  kind of not caring and leaving it after brushing it nonchalantly. 
As I started for the door I tried to think of what I remembered from last night. Okay,  well,  party,  drinks,  Liam helped me put Louis in the car, Ed wanted to talk to me...
Oh my God.
He. K-kissed me.
Oh.  Fuck.

Hopefully the boys are smashed enough not to want to move today so I can think.  I know it's bad wanting them to be messed up but fuck man. I don't want to hurt them... Well,  rephrase,  I didn't want to hurt Louis.

I grabbed some converse shoes and pullend them on before almost tripping on my way out. I caught myself and looked for any sign the boys were up.
I heard soft snores and took that as my que to leave.

I wondered down into the lounge and sat down. I was kind of lost for things to do. I bet all the boys are probably not gonna move for at least another hour. Hopefully...
Liam on the other hand was probably cooking or something. On that hunch I stood from my place and peeked in through the door.

Yep hunch right.
Liam was cooking... I think waffles or French toast. One of the two.
Either sounded brilliant.
I was about to sneak out when he saw me. "Ash!" He called. Okay.  Didn't want to bother him. Shit.
"Yeah Liam?" I asked in response.

He stopped cooking and came over to me, engulfed me in a hug and pulled away. "How are you feeling?" He asked intently.  I considered the question for  moment.
"My lungs burn and I feel sick but other than that I'm grand."
That is still unincluding the scars, and other shit but anyway.
He smiled at me and lead me back into the kitchen.

"And how are you?" I questioned him as he resumed his cooking. "Oh, no I'm good," he told me. I nodded and sat at the table keeping light conversation going until they boys wondered in.  Well.  Two of them.
Niall and Louis.
Oh.  Fuck.
"Morning." They greeted groogily.

"Headache?" I asked knowingly. They nodded and seated themselves at the table. "How are you actually okay?" Louis asked me incredulously, placing his fingers to his temples. I shrugged
"I guess a late night dip kinda shakes you up a bit." he gave me a confused look,  and he looked adorable with his eye brows all furrowed up.
Yay. Guilt.
"I fell into the pool last night and almost drown, Liam helped me."
"Holy,  oh my God,  are you alright," he said, immediately on his feet.
"Yeah,  Lou,  I'm fine. "
mostly, I thought to myself.

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