~°•Truth or Dare - Take your pick•°~

37 2 2

And things finally get interesting 😋
I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As always have fun!



four days later~

So it's been four days.
And 5 days ago Harry and Niall found out about my cutting. I haven't done it but I have thought about it. I shove it away or distract myself so that's okay. I'm pleased that Harry and Niall never mention it around the other boys. They have kept it a secret but they do check on me.

I'm in a good place now, I just have a feeling like its either gonna get better, or worse.

Its 1 o' clock and we are all just settling down to watch a movie. The movies called blended. Apparently it's another comedy. I was defiantly in the mood for one. I was sitting beside Niall and Harry. Louis and Zayn occupied the other couch and Liam was next to them. Lou was in a better mood the last few days and I was so happy. I'm glad he's not as upset as he was a while ago. He would never cheat and if she didn't know that then I have no idea how they dated for as long as they did.

Any who we made popcorn and got some drinks then Liam pressed play.
I was laying on Niall and I was getting tired. Only thing is we were only halfway though the movie.
I was getting more drowsy when Niall moved.
"Dude. No." I complained in a whiny voice.
He chuckled and moved in such a way so I could lay comfortably. Eventually I just fell asleep. I know that because I have no memory after I laid down again. Yep. I did it again.

I woke up in my bed. I'm guessing someone took me there. At least I didn't have a nightmare so, bonus.
I lifted the covers and instantly regreted it because I was bombarded by cold air. Nope. Fuck this.
I put the covers back and sat there.
I'm up now. And bored.
I picked up my phone and saw it was around 3:20, okay. Not that late.
I then went onto messaging. I saw that Niall was online so I went and typed.


Hey Ni, you up?

To- Nialler
From- Ash.

After a moment the message was dilivered and read
He began typing back.


Yeah, the lads are messing about in the living room, you still in bed?

From- Nialler
To- Ash

I smiled. He knows.
Still smiling I type back.


To cold, :p

From- Ash
To- Nialler

That's when I completely lost control in laughter, that's mainly because I could hear Niall laughing from downstairs. He has he most contagious laughter.
While I was trying to regain my breath I heard the door open.
"Why are you still in bed?" Harry questioned, walking through the door way and into the room.

I gave him a cheeky smile as he sat next to me.
"Well?" He looked at me intently.
"It's to cold." I complied quietly. He grinned at me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Alright, come down when you want," he told me. He then got like, real serious, "How are you?"
"I'm doing better, not as bad." I beamed. As I finished he pulled me into a hug. "That's great Ash!"
"Yes." he pulled away gently.
"Alright, see you soon." He then let got of my hand. Don't worry I didn't notice he was holding it either.

He left just as quietly as he came. So I stayed in bed. I was comfy and warm.
After a lot of time rolling in the warmth of my bed I finally got the courage to climb out.
Oh. Cold. Cold. Cold. Cold.
I ran and imminently changed into a long sleeved shirt and leggings. The shirt was red and fluffy, and it covered all of the cuts that were still healing. Yeah. The leggings were black and I have no idea where I got them But they were comfy.
I then put on some slippers and made my way downstairs.

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