~°•The Party Prep•°~

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Oh my god... I am so sorry the update took forever. I apologize. But here's the next chapter so please dont kill me.
Other than that I hope you enjoy.



We are in the car driving to McDonald's, Louis is to my left and Zayn to my right, Liam and Harry were up front and Niall was in the back. We were talking about how they start tour in 3 days.
"Yeah, this is gonna be really cool," I chimed. "Definitely," Harry agreed.
We chatted more until the car came to a halt.
"Food?" Niall asked hopefully.
"Yes food," Harry confirmed.

So we hopped from the car and went inside. After a bunch of pictures and signatures we arrived at our table in peace. Lou and I got pancakes. Niall ordered the breakfast thing that like, all restaurants have and Liam got a different breakfast thing with coffee and Harry and Zayn went with burgers. That works. We then agreed to all have coffee so we ordered that too. Lou was beside me and so was Liam, Niall was opposite me, Harry opposite Lou and Zayn opposite Liam.

Once our food came all conversation died. Niall was happy and everyone else was pleased and I sure as hell was happy with my pancakes so all was good. After the pancakes I drank my coffee and we started talking again. We we're joking about the times we have had together of the last while.
"Remember the time when I found a shell on the Beach, but Louis tripped me because you guys we're playing football do I lost it." I smiled. "Well done." I continued to joke.
"Yeah." Louis chimed. "And the time." He stopped to chuckle. "Niall threatened Liam with a spoon cross."
We all began laughing.

"Hey." Niall objected, putting up his hands in defense. "It worked didn't it." After that we're all OOC.
Out of commission.
All the laughter that ever was.
We were able to gain a lot of attention via that so. Joy. When they all looked away we all tried to concel our laughter. Failing we looked at each other and tried to smile. We achieved as much and went back to our food.

After a while of laughing, chatting and eating we got back in the car. Bad blood by Taylor swift was on.
Then they changed it.
I had to giggle. Remembering how Harry and Taylor used to date. Oops.
Louis then decided to lace his fingers through mine and my giggle turned into a fully pledged grin and I looked up to him. His smirk was adorable and I kissed him. I heard Niall and the others "aww" slightly and Louis and I tried to suppress our smiles.

The song was now Ugly Heart by GRL and it was really fun so we were laughing and singing so it was awesome. Eventually the car came to a stop and we all got out. We wondered back inside and we all sat down in the living room.
"Whats the time?" Liam asked. I looked at my phone. "Uh, 12:35." I told him. He nodded. "Okay then." Zayn stated, "we have roughly 5 and a half hours or such so. Yeah." We nodded and I looked at them before asking, "Guys, invite the girls so we can all go together. It will be easier, and more fun." They smiled and went off to call them.

We continued light conversation until everyone was in the room. "Lets go yo the game room." Harry suggested.
"Yes!" I stood and grinned.
"Race ya there." I stated cheekiky before running off in the direcion of the game room. "Onward!" I heard Louis call. I smiled more before I heard footsteps following me in suit.

We all stopped in the game room.
I smiled at all of them as I got an idea.
"What?" Louis asked me. I gave him a smirk and said, "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven." He met my evil grin with one if his own and we looked at the others. "Sure. Fine." They agreed and we immidently grabbed a bottle.

Okay. Sitting in a circle. Ready to spin the bottle to go into the cupboard for 7 minutes. Harry volunteered to spin it so he did. It landed on Liam. It was now that the girls arrived. He shot me a look as if this was all my fault before stepping into the cupboard. Its the one in the game room that's used for storage. Zayn left to let them in and Louis spun the bottle this time.
It landed on Harry so he went in there and Louis started the timer.

We greeted Paige and Dani and they joined in. "Lets play this at the party tonight." Dani suggested. We agree to this and we looked back at the timer 2 minutes left. So basically we joked n shit until it went off. I stood and knocked on the door. "Times up." I called. There was a shuffled and they came out. I guess they we're just chatting.

We all sat down again and this time Liam spun the bottle. It landed on Zayn and then he went and gave the bottle a spin. And... Louis. "And the timer begins." I said Louis shot me a sassy look and they both went in. Harry began the timer and After a bit of time we heard laughter. Duh. I mean. Its Louis in there. Course he's gonna crack a joke or two.

We just did normal stuff.
Had some cool drinks, chatted, instagram n shit. Bell went off and I got them out. This was fun. Now. It was me and Niall.
"Dark in here." He commented. I smiled. "Uh. I wouldn't know. I can't see." I knew a just made a bad joke a really bad one. But I heard him smile so. Yeah. Worth it. "So. You excited for the party?" He asked. "Yeah. It'll be fun." I answered. "You?" I returned the question. "Yeah. It'll be fun to see Ed again."
This went on for a few minutes. Thats when the door opened. Yas. Freedom.

Now it was Dani and Paige.
And this went on for an hour or so until finally. Finally. It was Louis and me.
As soon as the door closed we sat beside each other. We talked for about 3 minutes before our lips connected and moved in sync.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered against my lips. "So are you." I whispered back. Kissing him to shush him. It worked so. Yay.

Thats when the door opened.
"Whoa. Get a room." They joked.
"We had a room. And you opened it." I retorted. They chuckled so I grabbed Louis hand and we went out.
He sat down again, grinning cheesily. I gave him a side glance before I looked at my phone. okay. Hour left
"Hey guys, let's get ready so we can play until we have to leave." I suggested. They shrugged. "Yeah sure."
So we all went to our rooms.

I grabbed the dress and smiled at Louis before going to my room to Change. Once I did I made sure I looked okay. Black dress covered the cuts. Heels looked good. Light make up and curls in my hair. Yeah I'm cool. I checked one last time and then left. At the same time Louis and Niall come out. Niall went casual and had a white shirt with long blue sleeves and jeans with normal converse. Louis went with a rolling stones shirt. Black jeans and black converse. Then. They caught sight of me. They looked winded. I immediately flushed and dropped my head.

"Wow." They marveled. I felt hot. Not good hot. Embarrassing hot. Niall then put a hand on mine although I sensed nothing romantic in the gesture. "You look amazing." He told me. Louis then pulled me into a hug. "Definitely." He whispered in my ear.
I shiver slightly and he pulls away. His lips meet mine for a second before the doors opened so we stopped.

Harry was in a long sleeved black shirt that was buttoned up. Black jeans and boots Liam was in a white shirt jeans and converse then Zayn was in a black and white shirt jeans and converse. They all looked really cool. Dani and Paige looked beautiful as ever and I held my sleeves in my hands. "You guys look amazing." I told them honestly. They smiled and came to hug me. Once all of us said what needed to be said we went back to the game room.

We chilled and chatted until we had to leave. So we went to the car. The sun was setting and it was slightly chilly. The rays of light were shining through the trees making the front garden look magical. We entered the car and Louis held my hand. I liked it so I left his hand in mine.
The engine started and the car purred to life. Then the scene melted passed.

So that was this chapter. I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever.
So yeah...
Anyway what do you think will happen at Eds party...


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