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Aaaaannnddddd BOOM!  FINALLY! Story update.
Yeah I know. I fucked up in all ways possible with updating. I'm sorry.
But the next chapter is here so please for the love of Kevin don't kill me.
-see what I did there-
Ah, bad jokes.
Anyway. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I actually do SFX make up myself and I love it to bits so I thought I'd add it in, but yeah.

Also, side note:
Do you guys actually like this story?
Please let me know in the comments or something, I'd really appreciate the feedback.



We got back from the store and they were still playing video games, although Liam and Harry went to cook, so, the plan begins.

I made my way into the bathroom and locked the door, looking into the bag. I got out a disposable make up sponge and my colour wheel. I ripped little bits off the sponge and opened the colour wheel, dipping the sponge in the dark red colour that the shop owner told we was called 'Lake,' I used that, red and blue to create a bruise on my cheek, why exactly?

I wanted to prank them, because, well,

Why not.

Once I was finished I put the stuff away and decided to just drop something to see if the boys would come. That way they'd walk in and be freaked out. I mean. It'll be funny, plus Louis is my boyfriend it'll be really fun! He knows I got make up stuff and so does Niall and Liam, so they won't really freak out much.
So, Harry and Zayn will probably freak out the most.

I smudged my eyeliner and used a bit of water to make it look like I was crying before I walked into the room. I saw my bag, that I still haven't unpacked, and took it to the side of the bed. I dropped it, earning a loud bang in return. I quickly got on my knees and shoved it under the bed, cupping my face where the bruise was.

"Ashley! Are you okay?" I heard Liam's voice yell. I didn't respond for effect and instead made my breathing heavier. "Ashley!" He called again. I heard whispering before a herd of foot steps came toward the door. Niall, Liam and Louis ran in. Louis eyes widened. "Holy crap! Ashley, are you okay?" Louis asked me, coming forward and engulfing me in a hug.

I held him in my arms, whispering in his ear, "I'm pranking Harry and Zayn, go with it please." He nodded pulling away. Harry and Zayn ran in. "Oh my- Ashley are you okay?" Harry asked. I shrugged, faking a terrible look. Louis helped me up and held onto me as if I wasn't able stand, doing this he was also keeping a pretty serious face.
I was really happy with the way he went on with it. "I feel really dizzy," I told them, making my voice horase.

"Harry," Louis commanded, "can you and Zayn go and get her some water and some ice?" They nodded and went out of the room. I smiled at them and Niall's jaw fell. "That's make up, what the fu-" he was cut short by Liam. "You're pranking them?" He questioned in a hushed tone, "you've been spending to much time with Louis." He rolled his eyes jokingly. I chuckled at him.
"Well, he is my boyfriend," I commented back, trying not to smile as much as I was.

Just then their foot steps became louder so I quickly laid back on the bed. Louis took hold of my hand and used his other one to gently caress my cheek as they walked in. His fingers moved to the 'bruise' and I pretended to wince in pain.
"You need to be more careful," Louis told me, sympathy in his tone. "Here," Harry said, handing the water and ice to Louis, he smiled at them and gave the water to me.

Liam walked forward and checked my 'bruise' again. "You're lucky you didn't break your cheek or something," he claimed. "Yeah," I said, making my voice sound weaker.

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