~°•Midnight Memories Part 1•°~

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Hello my friends and welcome back!
And look! Holy Fuck I actually uploaded on time! Yay!
(About that. Apparently it didn't upload :/)
On with the story.



Okay. CreepyMcgee has really stuck to their word. I went back go check the message:


Hullo Hullo darling,
Welcome to your worst nightmare.

-to Ash

Yep, CreepyMcgee has succeeded. Within not even an hour, they have practically blown up every single one of my Social Media accounts, mostly with hate and terrible messages.
Worst part?
Some people are even joining in. Hate pages have been made and then the links are sent to me. Honestly, getting this much hate and bad messages really Is biting at the urge, but  I promised, and they've healed by now. I can't let this get to me. I just need to calm down, all of the boys are here for me, and they'll get it, they'll understand.

Yeah, but you can be sure can you? I said mentally.
Uh, I'll figure out something, hopefully.
For now I'll just talk go Louis.
I sat there and weighed the pros and cons.
Tell him, I get a kiss and we hang out a bit which will definitely help or don't tell him and feel worse. I mean, I could say I'm overwhelmed by thoughts, well it's not entirely untrue. I decided to just turn off my phone for now to avoid further hate and spam.

I took a deep breath before tapping Louis's shoulder. He pulled his attention away from the boy's game and he met my eyes with his crystal blue ones. "Mmmhmm?" He hummed, showing his interest. "Could I talk to you outside?" I asked, barely above a whisper. "Is this about?" Raising a concerned eyebrow. I nodded to him, silently answering his question. "Okay common." He told me, holding out his hand for me. I took it and he helped me up, leading me to the door.

The door was to the balcony, so we walked outside and went to the corner of the balcony, sitting crossing-legged and facing one another, hands entwined. I honestly found it very interment, knowing his joky attitude, it was really new and interesting. "Alright, Ash, what is it?"Louis questioned me, rubbing small circles on the backs of my hands with his thumbs. I quite liked the fact of his hands being slightly bigger then mine and really warm, which I found comforting. "Well, I don't know, there's just to many things on my mind, tour; my hair getting dyed; how the fans will react to me;  I mean, there's a lot of them and I really don't want what happened with twitter to happen again." I told him, explaining everything on my mind aside from CreepyMcgee's evil plan. Louis nodded understandingly and gave me a gentle smile.

"Ashley," he began, letting go of my one of my hands and using his to caress my left cheek, sending sparks of electricity through out my body. "Don't worry, really, all of us are here for you, and the fans are amazing, they'll love you, and if they don't, well, you don't need their opinions. Not one drop of your self-worth is determined by their acceptance of you." He explained, in such a from but soft tone. "Calm down, we'll always be here." He gave me a reassuring smile and used his hand to urge my face closer to his. "I love you," he whispered against my lips. I felt my heart flutter. "I love you too."

As soon as I finished the sentence, his lips met mine and I felt my whole body heat up, exhilarated by his touch. His hands were now both on my cheeks and my hands were in-tangled in his hair, us slowly losing our breath, as our lips moved in sync, I felt his tongue run past my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I allowed it and our tongues began to dance together soon challenging each other, fighting back and forth for dominance. It was becoming pretty heated pretty quick, and I was enjoying every second of it.

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