~°•Shopping Gone Wrong•°~

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Hello once again! I'm sorry it took me forever to write I had slight writers block. Yeah. 😢 sorry. But here the next chapter is. And I need go say this now. I'm sorry it's slightly sad. But I have plans. Lots of plans. So don't worry yes it is sad but it won't be forever.

As always I hope you enjoy it.
Not the sad bits but the story its-self.



Thursday is here and I decided to make breakfast in bed for Lou. I just wanted to ya know?
Fuck off.
Anyway I just finished the coffee and pancakes and placed them on a tray with syrup and now I was walking upstairs. I was still wearing my Pjs. It was kinda cold so It was long sleeved along with long pants. Just as well because the cuts were still there.
They were still sore but not as bad.
Everything has been fine, so really I don't notice as much.

Only when I'm alone.

I walked into the room quietly and he was asleep as I entered. He looked so cute as he slept.
Oh my god. He is so adorable.
I approached the bed and placed the try on the table beside the bed and tapped his shoulder lightly.
"Lou. Lou. Wake up."
His eyes fluttered and he turned over. As he did I heard him breath loudly.
"Hey," he whispered.
I smiled at him and then gestured to the table beside him. He looked at me confused for a second then looked down. "Oh,"

He sat up and looked at me. "What's this?" He questioned in a really hot voice.
"Breakfast." I replied.
"I know that, but why?" That voice!! Keep your cool. Keep it!
I shrugged and sat beside him "I don't know I just got up and felt like it."
He smiled and kissed me.
"Thank you."
I met his smile, "Gladly." I breathed.


I was cuddling with him, it's around 10ish now and suddenly Lou sat up, making the covers fly up with him and it was so cold.
"Lou." I complained.
He then realized and pulled the covers down. "Thank you." I muttered before snuggling back into the bed.

Lou just went to the bathroom and came back. He wrapped his arms round my waist and we went back to cuddling. I loved it, my only problem is that his arms were right over the cuts. I daren't move for fear of him brushing them, or having me flinch and figuring it out. It would kill me.
Luckily I was saved by the bell.
My phone rang and I gave Louis an apologetic look. He took a deep breath and removed his arms, calmly rolling around to get comfortable. I smiled slightly and picked up my phone and answered.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.
"Hey!" it was Dani. "How are you?"
"I'm good and you?" this is kinda weird, considering she is in the house.
The girls stayed after Monopoly.
So yeah.
"I'm good." she told me, "Liam says that the boys need to go to the studio apparently, so you wanna go shopping?"
I turned to look at Louis,
"Hang on." I spoke into the phone. I then pulled it from my ear and met his eyes. "Lou, apparently you guys have to go to the studio. Dani, Paige and I are going shopping."

He nodded to me and shifted. I put the phone back to my ear. "Yeah, I'm coming. We're gonna get up now."
"Alright. See you soon." she then hung up. I sat up and stretched my arms.
I flinched slightly because the cuts in my wrists were still scabby, I stood and looked to Louis, who had a face full of pillow. I was relieved and I thought it was cute so I smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Lou. Please get up."
He inhaled sharply.
"Can I get a kiss?" He asked his voice muffled and child-like.
"If you get up, Sure." I smirked as he rolled over and sat up. He tried for a smile and I chuckled. "Morning, again."

He shifted to sit crosslegged and I joined him. We kissed gently and he smiled. "Okay, I'm up."
I gave a small laugh and I went to my room.

I dug in my cupboards and put on a long sleeved black shirt with white lines at the elbows, a white skirt that came to about mid thigh and white Adidas shoes. Once I was sure it didn't show the cuts and it was comfy and went and put my hair into a braid, it came round my left shoulder and I looked okay so I left my room. I then decided to check on Lou. I went and knocked on his door.

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