~°•Is This For Real?•°~

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As I pulled away I looked into those amazing sea eyes. 

"Do you believe me now?" he questioned lightly.
I was stunned for a moment. I kissed him. I did. And he cares. I can't even describe the feeling.
Its like I'm on a cloud and everything bad is below me.
Everything good is around me.
Its just.
I bit my lip and nodded. He smiled and hugged me. I felt safe and secure in his warm arms.

Then people had to be annoying little shits because Harry was calling us.
Dude. Not now.
For Fuck sake.
"Ashley! Louis!" I could hear him getting more anxious.
Ugh. Dude. Fine.
"Should we go down Lou?" I asked quietly, still hugging him. I heard him chuckle, "Let them worry a bit more." He breathed. I smiled. Good idea.
I nodded and moved so I was sitting with my head on his shoulder. It seemed as if the world paused for a moment. Life as we know it was still and peaceful.

"Ashley!" Niall shouted from the garden, he seemed farther away than the others. Eh. "Louis!" Zayn called too. Guys what the fuck.
Its called peace and quiet.
Lets have some.
"I think we should go down." I told him "I don't like them calling us so loudly. Its annoying." 
He grinned at me then nodded his agreement. So we reluctantly got up and went towards the ladder leading toward the ground. Lou was a gentleman and let me go first.
That was off.
He is either a gentlemen or just. Lou.
Its hard to describe.

"Oh my God." Niall breath as we reached the ground. "You guys were up there." He asked in disbelief, pointing toward the tree house.
I smiled cheekily and nodded. Louis entwined in hand with mine and I blushed. Yes I did.
Zayn wondered off inside and I'm guessing Harry and Liam were there too.
"So are you to..." He trailed off, unsure of his next words.
"Are we?" I turned to Louis.
"Do you want to be?" He questioned childishly.
My grin widened and I kissed him gently.
After a moment I pulled away.
"That answer your question?" I stated cheekily.  
"Defiantly." He agreed.
We both look back at Niall.
"That's a yes." I told him.
He laughed. "I saw."

We were all smiling as we walked back inside.
"So you found them." Harry called as we entered the living room. "Yes." Niall confirmed even though we were proof of that. Oh well.
"What did I miss." Liam asked.
I looked at him and then at Louis. "Well nothing much, just that Lou and I are now dating."  I shrugged.
"Aww" the others cooed. I felt my cheeks flush as they did that.
Guys. No.
"Are we going to continue the game?" Zayn asked us.
"How about no?" I replied sarcastically.
"Meh" he sassed back.
"No Jimmy protested!" Louis called next to me. I swear for a second I died. I will never tire of this amazing boy. He is all sassy and funny.
I was laughing my ass off and fell onto the couch beside Niall.
"What?" He asked innocently.

Once I regained my ability to breath I smiled at the others. 
Then I got a brilliant idea.
"Guys." I stated seriously.
"What?" They replied in my tone.
Ha ha. Sarcastic laugh.
"Let's go out for ice cream." I continue.
"Yes!" Niall and Louis agreed Instantly. Typical.
"Yeah, why not." The others eventually agreed.
"Hey! Ice cream!" I claimed in glee.
They grinned at me and Liam stood.
"Come on guys, " he gestured toward the door, "Let's go." I nodded but asked to change quick, they agreed so I ran upstairs and put on a red shirt with jeans and toms. I slid the bangles back on and I brushed my hair quickly then ran back down stairs and took Louis hand and we followed the others outside.

The car ride was long. Yet defiantly entertaining.
We were joking about as Liam drove. It was around 4 o'clock and it was pretty warm. Aside from that I was still holding Louis hand.
I was in the middle. Lou to my left. Harry to my right and Liam and Zayn were up front. Niall of course was in the back and I turned to him.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"What for?" He asked quietly.
"For the question. If not this wouldn't be happening. "
He shrugged. "Sure. I had no idea but sure." I smiled at him then moved to let my head rest on Louis shoulder. Hes comfy shut it.

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